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I wanted to do a film vs digital side by side comparison post here and this shoot with Catherine is perfect for this I think. 

I don't mean for this to be technical whatsoever, the goal is not to get a winner either, this is just to see how different film and digital can be from each other and also how different I handle digital processing. This is all in good fun. 

Digital was taken on the Fuji x-pro 2 with a 7Artisans 35mm 1.2 lens and in the other corner I used my Canonet ql17 GIII and shot on expired Fuji Superia 1600. 

As you can see I decided, to kill the greens a bit for the digital, why you say, I'm not sure, I liked it more this way haha!

With digital I could bring down the highlights for this, as for film, well that's the best I could do because it was over exposed a bit.

Also grain is awesome. :)

I kinda like both here, but I feel I should have shot this closer on film.

In general I feel film handles color naturally better, digital feels too vibrant and not always pleasing especially with coloured lighting and neons. It's also tricky to process, there are so many ways to go with it, it's hard to decide sometimes.

Looking back at the digital here, I sorta don't like how I processed it anymore hahaha. That happens a lot with me.

This I love how both came out, wouldn't have changed a thing.

These are very similar in a way, but you gotta love how film renders light glows in frame, changes everything I think.

Let me know what you guys think! 


Charlie Markley

Is it weird to think that the film looks more “real”?

Alfredo Ziano

Not weird at all. Colours will always feel more natural on film to me. Then again, I don't know where my head was at when I processed the digital here, looking back at them I really don't like it haha!