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Pacific fire

Bro, a SEVEN HOUR video? We have been blessed.

James Flanders

OK I'm just gonna say it. I've been trying to play the video but it's been buffering non stop even when I pause it for several minutes and distract myself with other stuff while it loads just for it to only play not even a minute. Patreon sucks, is there another way I can watch this with quality control options so I can actually.... watch the video since I paid the 2$?


I'm going to upload this to Dailymotion tomorrow morning, I'm sorry about the problem. Are other folks having issues with it?

James Flanders

idk, i've been trying to play it for a couple minutes now and it's been like this with other videos on patreon too, i've heard other people have had this issue in general where its not their internet, its a problem with the app itself, sometimes it just randomly buffers for people for no good reason and its just kinda frustrating. i'm on my phones data and it's pretty high speed stuff so that shouldnt be an issue

Anonymous Person

"I gotta give this up someday for football and news..."


Was this your first watch? It seems like it would be difficult to absorb things as you’re talking over and interrupting. It makes sense if this was a re-watch stream.

Hiei-Jai Barrows

It’s the mark of a good story when the biggest complaint is that you want more

Gina Scaramella

I had the same problem, even uninstalled and reinstalled Patreon. Only fix I found was using my desktop smh


You guys pause a LOT. Especially during songs, like the hell dude? xD

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

1:24 … and were creatures of nightmares. Did come here from the AMV … I have literally no context as I dismissed it. From the intro … yeah. I guess that's where the bronies went.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

1:22:44 The songs in Hazbin Hotel have a strong MLP vibe, is what I think.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

1:40:26 Just realized: In hell everybody has a fursona …

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

1:51:15 Literally one of the first scenes in pilot. Angel Dust getting a bag of angel dust from a drug vending machine. (At that point, I thought it would have been epic, but they never leaned on it, if demons would get high on dust gathered from angel's wings.) Also, they have an epic fighting scene in front of a meth discount store later in pilot.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

2:25:05 I totally missed, when I watched the show, that Allister takes a taste test.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

2:34:58 You are totally talking over the foreshadowing. And later complain you didn't know, I bet.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

2:49:31 Stocking are only a thing in English speaking countries. Germans have plates. But not for Santa. The only day footwear plays a role is on St. Nicolas day … and that is boots. Only shined boots and for well-behaved children. Or it has been, at least. Soon it will be sandals if Climate changes continues like that.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

2:59:29 Bees don't fly by me. Bees fly out of their way to attack me.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

3:24:00 I think my patreon subscription ran out. (or I have another 24 hours)

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

3:33:26 And here it has that distinct kitten look.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

3:33:36 No shit, Sherlock, duh. That was kinda a big deal in the pilot.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

4:01:36 Just watched the German translations of the songs. A few work. Sorta. A few work. Kinda. Sorta. If you squint hard enough. And the rest is just awful.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

6:43:08 When it didn't worked in Germany … Italy … Spain … Iran (and a few other countries) why would it work in hell?

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

6:43:31 Or they under the same delusion as the guy who thinks he could have survived somehow the Titan accident. >> "Yeah, there would have been this one in a million chance, an air bubble, and then I could totally have held my breath until I swam to the surface" Those here: "Yeah, the others might die, but I use the one in a million chance to get away, besides those are losers, and I'm powerful"

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

6:44:57 Kinda a big reveal I missed till now, that Vaggi disguised her wings as hair. Also explains her updated hairstyle compared to the pilot.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

6:46:02 I really love Valentino's comment: "things just got interesting" to Lucifer's verbal mishap: "And now I'm going to fuck you"

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

6:57:17 You totally talked over Emily's joyful squeak (which she only does in the English version, of all I've seen)

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

6:59:54 I mean … Amazon ordered two seasons from the start. And a 3rd recently.