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Hey folks! Can't believe the holidays are almost upon us. Feels like it sneaks up on us every year though! Trying to end this year strong with some projects. First off, an update on the Land Before Time video. Turns out that trying to review 14 movies and 26 episodes is a LOT lol. I need some more time to really make this project shine. I'm honestly having a blast making this vid but some extra time to finish it will make it perfect. Aiming for a January release! 

For this week, I'm aiming to get 2 Quick Vids out plus a review of Santa Inc. Yes, that piece of garbage that EVERYONE hated. I thought it might've improved over time now that the hate has died down but nah...still sucks 

That's it for this week! Take care folks and talk to y'all soon! 



James Burnside

That Land Before Time series review is going to be LEGENDARY.