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WHAT A MONTH! I promise, the lack of uploading in April wasn't because I was being lazy. On the contrary, me and the team have been working our butts off lol. Universal has been the worst with claiming our Balto video saying that it uses too much footage even though we've been playing by the rules. It's an hour and a half long video so re-editing, re-rendering and re-uploading the video over and over and over again has been exhausting but we'll do whatever it takes to get this video in the clear. Last thing I want to do is upload it haphazardly and to see all that hard work get blocked by Universal on a dumb technically 

Besides that, aiming to get my Drawn Together video out this May along with a video about Teen Titans GO and Disney Remakes. Got some other goodies in store too. ALSO, I'm making some headway on the Jehovah's Witnesses video! Recently went to their world HQ in New York and was promptly turned away. Just wanted to see how the show was made...oh well. Got to meet TellTale though, that was cool! 

That's about it for now, hope to make May an awesome month for the channel! Thanks again for the support folks! <3 



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