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Hey folks! Sorry for not posting these past few weeks, I've been stupid busy with real life stuff. It's weird actually, for the first time in almost 6 years, my schedule is back in my own control. I won't get into it but it's nice to be back in the driver seat with my life. Let's see how long that lasts for though lol

SO FEBRUARY! I wanna make it a big month. I was actually able to complete every video I set out to do in January so let's do it again this month! The main videos I want to cover include a mega-review of the Balto trilogy, a review of the Powerpuff Girls Z anime, a video about Panty and Stocking and then some other smaller vids outside of those. Should be a good month! I just want to continue to get my uploads moving along and then we can start to up the stakes a bit in March. Harder hitting videos plus more ambitious projects on YouTube, Twitch and so on

Here's to a good February! Thanks again for the support folks! 




When is the next discord chat planned?


he mentioned on the 11th at 6PM ESt and a game night on the 18th at 6PM EST