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Hey everyone, hope y'all are well. This coming week is the last one I will have with my dog so I'm going to be spending most of my time with him. I got some videos done in advance that should be coming out this week so there will be content to watch. Next week will be slower though since I'll be grieving and with my family

For the vids, there will be a review for Marmaduke 2022, the Amphibia finale and then a separate upload of "Episode 8" of Helluva Boss. Once I get through this tunnel with saying farewell to my dog, I'll be more available to stream again and will be much more active on Patreon and Discord. Thanks for your patience and support <3 




Listen to me, Saber...please don't worry about us for the rest of May. Just take good care of Lamby. Give him as much love and affection as you possibly can before it's too late. Remember, you'll always have more opportunities to make content for us all...but you'll never have another Lamby. Focus all your attention on him before he's gone forever. I'll be fine with the back half of May and (possibly) afterwards having less video content or even no content if your heart is not into making more videos while you grieve for the loss of your dog. Take a break if you need to...we'll still be here when you get back. Take care of yourself and Lamby, Saber...and if there's anything we can do to help you get through this difficult time, don't hesitate to let us know. We'll be there for you...always and forever. =)


Wait there was a marmaduke movie this year?


Yup...it came out on Netflix the other week and seems to be one of their worst animated movies yet.


You'll know he's around if you look, you can't get rid of the Marmaduke.


Be well, Saberspark. I hope your time helps bring you peace and helps to shore up your "emotional reserves", so to speak. Thank you for all your work in trying to keep up with your audience during this time; your work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.


Speaking of the discord, I didn’t receive an invite to it.