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Hey folks, hope y'all are doing well. Full disclaimer: May is going to be a very difficult month for me mostly due to personal reasons. I'll be laying my old pup to rest the 3rd weekend of the month and I already predict that it's going to hit me very hard. I'll definitely need some time to catch myself so I'm trying my best to get some not-as-involved projects done for the month in advance such as...lol...me rating my own rule 34 art. That should be interesting

But ya, I'm just preparing for the worst in case I need time to grieve. Will do what I can to catch myself and keep up on the work front but there will be a tunnel period for me before I'm back on my feet 100% again. I think from July onward, I'll be cooking with gas with Lamby's memory at my back and inspiring me to keep pushing forward 

Again, thank you all so much for the support. I'll do my best to keep making videos and look forward to returning to some big projects once I emotionally recover




So Rule 34 Saber art is a thing...seems like the kind of easy and delightfully silly topic for you to tackle. Here's to hoping we come across some Rule 34 SaberFart art also (and that YouTube doesn't hate you for the video). On a more serious note, making simpler videos like this one would probably be best for the time being while you prepare yourself for the day when you say goodbye to Lamby. We're all going to miss him if the messages and artwork on Twitter and Discord are anything to go by. When that sad day arrives, we'll all be there to give you our condolences... believe me, I'm sure you will need all the moral and emotional support that you can get. Please continue to take care of Lamby and yourself, Saber...I know you can do it.

Everfree Brumby

Sorry about your dog. It’s never easy to say goodbye to family.