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Hey folks, hope you all are doing well. Apologies for the spotty schedule, finally crossing a bridge that I've been fearing for a while now and that is saying farewell to my 17 year old poodle Lamby. Recently came to terms that it is time and we will be parting ways 2 months from now. Want to get some bucket list things done beforehand and spend some quality time with him 

I won't lie, these next few months are going to be very difficult and I don't know how I'm going to react exactly but I'm trying to prepare for the worst in case I do emotionally collapse. Work is important to me, for my livelihood and for an escape so I don't see myself completely withdrawing. Ideally, I can build a buffer of videos in July so I can take the month off to just be alone and grieve

Once I bounce back, things will be quite different since my schedule will be much more free. Twitch streams will return, more regular interactions on the Reddit, more frequent Discord calls and scheduled projects that'll be released on time. It'll be nice to get my life back but living a life without my friend of 17 years just seems so difficult to comprehend but I'll be okay

As always, thank you so much for your patience and support. I'm aiming to get 2 Quick Vids out this week and then return to May in force and continue to throw as much of myself into my work before the final day with Lamb. I'll keep y'all updated along the way. Thanks again for being so excellent to me, it means more than you know 





Oh Saber, I’m so sorry to hear. Please don’t apologize for taking care of you and Lamby. Do what you need, and we’ll be here to support you. Thinking of you


When I saw on Twitter that Lamby does not have much time left, I could not help but feel quite sad. I know that he has been a huge part of your family-and your life-for so many years. As such, I am certain that it is hard for you to get ready to say goodbye to Lamby...in the two years that I have known you, this has got to be the hardest thing that I can think of that you've had to go through in recent times. As such, I just wish to make a few things perfectly clear. Firstly, I-and all of your viewers and Patrons-am still here for you for moral support. If you need some outside help to get through this difficult time, please do not hesitate to ask us. Personally, I would want to give you any help and support and all that no matter what. Secondly, when the time comes that Lamby passes on, you will have our sincerest condolences. We have had your back for a long time, and that will never change...mark my word. Lastly-and I cannot stress this enough-if you feel you need to cut down on making videos or take a break from YouTube in order to spend time with Lamby in his final months and to spend time grieving after he is gone, then I would implore you to do so. Lamby needs you, Saber...he needs you to help make what remains of his time here on Earth worthwhile. I daresay that Lamby is more important for you than anything else right now. Of course, whether or not you wish to take time off is up to you, but again, feel free to do so if the stress is too much to bear. We'll still be here...that's a promise. Take care of yourself, Saber, and more importantly, take care of Lamby...I know you will. =)


I usually don't respond to discussions but I feel what you are going through right now. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I wish all of our furry friends could live longer as I have gone through this three times; it's never easy. I have a male black cat that will turn 16 this year and I worry about his health every day. Cherish the time you have left with Lamby. We understand if you need to take time off and recuperate when the time comes.


Man, I am so sorry. There isn't much I can say that you don't already know. but if I can offer any words of comfort I would say: As sad as it will be and as much as it will hurt, just take solace in the fact that Lamby lived a good, long life being loved every day.


17 years is a long relationship. Take the time you need, and don't push yourself into anything (or back into anything) before you're ready. You deserve to be a human being, not just a "content provider".