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Pain. That's what I feel after watching the live-action reboot of Fairly Oddparents. Like I didn't expect much to begin with, I TRULY curbed my expectations but the show fell VERY short of the low bar that I set for it. So ya, expect a Quick Vid for the live-action Fairly Oddparents series later this week plus my review of the Family Guy-esque show called "FUGGET ABOUT IT" which should be up by Saturday

Hell, I might do a "What's STILL RUINING Fairly Oddparents?" video this month just out of pure rage and principle. I didn't think it was possible for this franchise to fall any further but here we are 

All in all, I'm trying to make April a fun month for uploads. Not gonna make promises I can't keep this time around or mention the forbidden video that always gets postponed. I'm just gonna MAKE videos this month and do it consistently, maybe that might yield some long-due results

That's it for now! Take care folks, ping me if you need anything at all and thanks for the support. Got some exciting news on the horizon but I'll share that next month 




Hey Saber! Hope you've recovered from your hectic weekend! Anyway, practically from the moment the trailer for Fairly Oddparents: Fairly Odder dropped, I thought it looked pretty darn awful, but from the social media posts you've made about the show, the reality is that it is even worse than we all feared. It just goes to show that some franchises should remain dead and buried, and Fairly Oddparents is one of those franchises. At any rate, it will be fun to see you tear the show apart in Quick Vid form, and if you want to make a sequel to your What RUINED the Fairly Oddparents video (one of the rare times that a What RUINED video would get a direct sequel), be my guest. We've got to let Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon, etc. know that some franchises should never be rebooted in any way, shape, or form. And while I know little about Fugget About It, your video on that should also make for solid viewing (surely it can't be any worse than either Mother Up or Chicago Party Aunt...right?). At any rate, just focus on making whatever videos you can, when you can. Any videos that are currently on the back burner can wait until they are well and truly ready to see the light of day. I'm sure that whatever you share with us this month will be pretty neat. Have a good week, Saber, and see you for the roasting of Fairly Odder soon! =)