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Hey folks! Another weekly update! In typical me fashion, I moved the schedule around YET AGAIN. I actually think my editors are going to kill me lol. It's wild how I switched from covering the drama with Maxwell Atoms and Cartoon Network (which needed more research) to the history of rule 34 (which needed a LOT more research - not like that) and then I moved to this adult cartoon from Taiwan called Brave Animated Series (which needed more research) and THEN I thought I would settle on covering a propaganda cartoon called Children Vs Wizards since it has to do with the Russian military but it turns out THAT has a bunch of hidden but interesting info which required (you guessed it), more research 

The last thing I want to do is rush out topics of substance and because of that, a pile of topics is currently accumulating. I need to cut that out and follow through and plan on doing so. Caleb and Sophia is target #1 and will be released in March. After that, I hope to start chipping away at the topic pile throughout 2022

So for this week instead, I'm going to cover a show that recently debuted on Comedy Central called Fairview. It is genuinely one of the worst cartoons I've ever seen and is an insult to adult animation. Only one episode has been released but that's all I got to see to make this deliberate judgement. THEY LITERALLY RECORDED THIS SHOW IN A ZOOM CALL WTF

So ya, I have plans in motion. The good news is that the "What RUINED 4Kids" video is slated for a release next week and I'm really looking forward to the return of my "What RUINED/What's RUINING" series

As always, thank you for your patience and support! Hoping to get a Discord call session scheduled for this weekend too, will update on that front tomorrow! 





From what we saw of Fairview during one of your streams, it is one of those adult animated shows that is 100% pure garbage. Viewers have been none too kind to it, either: as of this writing, the show has a 1.8/10 rating on IMDB and an audience score of only 5% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's interesting to see you go from covering one of the best adult animated cartoons you've seen in a while (Smiling Friends) to trashing one of the worst ones out there with Fairview...I'll be there to see you eviscerate it bit by bit later this week! And yeah...I can imagine that seeing all of those topics-fascinating as they sound-become more involved than you anticipated and pile up as a result can be overwhelming, and I agree that rushing them out is not the ideal thing to do. Rather, I would prefer for you to take your time on these subjects and not release the videos on these topics until you are absolutely certain that they are the best they can be. If I had a dollar for every time I have said that I would wait for your videos no matter how long they take...well, I still wouldn't be uber rich. =P But the point still stands that I shall wait weeks, months, even years, for a video to be good and ready. I am confident that whenever these videos are released, they will be of ultra high quality and worth the wait! Speaking of stuff that will surely be worth the wait, the What RUINED 4Kids video will likely be the most highly anticipated video of 2022 so far...plenty of people who grew up with various 4Kids shows will flock to it in no time flat, as will I. As for the Discord calls, I hope I can make it to the session depending on my schedule, as I am excited to catch up with you and the rest of my peeps on Discord. I'll look forward to hearing more about the upcoming call whenever you're ready to announce the date and time. That's all I have for now...see you soon, Saber! =)


These all sound like awesome topics! Please take your time with your research cause these definitely look like they need them