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Hey folks! Sorry for the wonky schedule as of late, got some vids coming out this week and a lot planned for November and December! What the HELL is 9 will be out on Friday and What the HELL is Legend of Hallowiaain comes out on Sunday! HALLOWWEEN! Hope y'all have a great week! 




It's not often that we see two big videos from you in a week (granted, I know you had to delay the 9 video from last week due to that bizarre occurrence you discussed in your last Twitch stream), but it sounds like-all going well-we'll have the joys of seeing two spoopy reviews from you just in time for Halloween! One movie (9) is considered to be a bit of an underrated gem, and the other (Hallowaiian)...not so much. By the way, I live very close to a Dollar Tree that sells DVDs of Legend of Hallowaiian...maybe sometime after that review goes live, I'll pick up a copy of Hallowaiian like I did with Caroline and Son of Bigfoot because...well, because I can be quite silly! =P It will also be neat to see whatever reviews, Quick Vids, video essays, etc. you can share with us for the final two months of the year (still can't believe the holiday season will be upon us soon). Just...try to take some time to take care of yourself too while you're at it. Even if it turns out we only end up with a handful of videos between now and New Year's Eve, I would be fine with you taking the time you need to take care of yourself and ensuring the videos are as good as they can be and are good to go for your channel. I know you can do it, Saber...as a loyal fan of yours, I have faith! Take care and see you around, my good sir! =)