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This Friday...prepare to suffer alongside me...

This one legit broke me folks :( 




haha dingus 2


Your recent posts about Finding Jesus 2 on both Twitter and YouTube do seem to heavily imply that it has officially dethroned The Adventures of Acela as the worst animated movie you've ever seen. At least Acela had that amusing scene with Kermit the Alien (though even then, it was a WTF-style Big Lipped Alligator Moment that happened out of nowhere and-I presume-is never brought up again)...I guess Finding Jesus 2 has no such miniscule saving grace. We'll know for sure come Friday...this is gonna be a video to remember! Hope you're doing well today, Saber...take care! =)


I hope I don't get fish traumas

Chad Serrant

Finding Jesus 2: TWICE THE JESUS


How does a fish misplace Jesus. TWICE