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Hey folks, I had to scrap the Slacker Cats video due to some potential drama from a producer from the show. He said my info was incorrect, said he would tell me the truth, but then decided to not tell me anything. I just don't want to deal with that headache so I'm gonna talk about World War II cartoons this Friday instead. I've been on a WWII binge lately and I like to study the cartoons from this era so it'll be a good vid! See y'all then 


Shelby Andrews

Ya it might be for the best. You never know, circumstances change all the time and things might change in the future


When can we see another Drunk Review?


Yeah even if it’s not the much awaited AnTZ I’m dying for another one Hopefully longer


Also I have a recommendation for a movie you can watch. It’s a fever dream from all I can remember. It’s called Spirit of the Forest, but it’s not Studio Ghibli!!


It will be interesting to hear your thoughts about the various WWII cartoons like the ones we watched on stream yesterday. It's fascinating to see what those cartoons were like, even if some aspects of them have not aged well at all. As for Slacker Cats, I understand why you had to scrap it...I wish that one dude would have helped you out with it instead of being a jerk about it. I'm just glad that not everyone online is that rude. Anyway, I'll be sure to check out the WWII video this week and the Ronald Mcdonald cartoons video coming our way soon after...that video is surely gonna be one wild trip! Until next time, Saber, take care! =)


It’s better to play it safe than to land yourself in drama. Speaking of WWII cartoons, sometimes I wonder what it would have been like for the American Girl characters from that era (Molly, Emily, and Nanea) to watch those shorts. Yes, they are fictional characters, but hear me out. AG has an extensive research team along with historians that will spend up to four years on creating these characters (one of them took nine years to get right). The researchers would have to have stumbled upon at least a few of those cartoons when studying the entertainment of that time (especially if it pertained to children).