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Hey folks! April...ALREADY?! Gah this year lol. Well things are going well on my end! Finally hitting my stride and knocking out some videos that I've been meaning to get around to. For example, Sabie is coming back this Friday! No joke, this feels like the first real video of the year for me. Something I've really invested into with the script and folks helping out with it. I hope you all like it! 

I also have a Quick Vid planned this week for Kamp Koral. I actually was going to do a video about that 2 weeks ago but I didn't like the recording so I scrapped it. Should be much better this time around. Anybody see Kamp Koral by the way? I'm curious to see what folks think of it 

That's it for updates! Planning on scheduling some Discord sessions this weekend for chats and game nights. I'll post about exact dates for that later this week. Thanks again for supporting me folks and hit me up if you have any questions! 

Art by SupremePrincess





I can’t wait to see the return of Sabie. I know this video is going to ROCK!!! I feel inclined to get back in to doll customizing and make a Sabie doll.


Nice! Its been some time since the last chats too. Lots to catch up on!


So Sabie is coming back this week...how I look forward to hearing her talk about the Smurfette Principle! If what you said about her voice recording of the upcoming video on Twitter is any indication- and as usual, I'm sure it is-we're in for quite a treat this Friday! Oh, and by the way...this Saturday will mark exactly one year since Sabie's debut video was posted on your channel, so having her return after just one day shy of a year later will make the occasion all the more special! I will also be sure to hear your thoughts on Kamp Koral when your Quick Vid on it comes our way, and I shall endeavor to try to make it to the next Discord chats. This coming weekend is gonna be quite hectic for me, but if I can make it to the chats, then I will look forward to talking to you and our other Discord friends to see what everyone has been doing of late. That's it for now...catch you later, Saber! =)

Everfree Brumby

You know you’re famous when you’re subject to rule 34.