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Hey folks! Hope you all are well. Got a short update for this week! Get it? Short! LIKE SHORT SELLING GAMESTOP!?!?! Man that is just a mess, I hope the billionaires get screwed. If there ever was a week to do a "What's RUINING" video about GameStop, this is it. It's been circling the drain for years and this just might be the season finale...OR will it be its salvation? Guess we'll find out...




I have known how Gamestop has gone downhill in so many ways...to the point where I'm surprised that they're still hanging in there. While I haven't really been following the recent news involving Gamestop, I can tell that it is just one of several reasons why 2021 is already turning out to be a crazy year (and it's only the beginning of February). Seeing as how you've been discussing it a lot over the past week, I'm sure you'll do justice to the topic of how these recent events may affect the future of Gamestop. As your first What's Ruining video of 2021-and the first one since the highly-acclaimed Veggietales video-it's bound to be fascinating. Take care, Saber, and see you soon! =)