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Ey folks! Hope you all are well. Life is starting to return back to normal for me after last week's episode. Lamby is showing good signs of recovering from his stroke and I'm so incredibly grateful for that. I pray that he makes a full recovery. I guess it just goes to show how life just happens at times whether you expect it or not and when that moment hits you, it feels so surreal

As far as videos go, I'm hoping to make both November and December super fun months. Got some topics I've been looking forward to covering for a while now! They range from box office failures to shameless ripoffs. For this week though, I'm going to be talking about a movie that just came out on Filipino Netflix: Hayop Ka! It is like the perfect movie for me to talk about, it hits so many of my channel's checkboxes. Adult, international, FURRY! That kind of stuff! 

That is it for now! Hit me up if you have any questions and thanks again for the support! 




I'm really happy to hear that life is being restored to normal for you and Lamby. It's good to hear that the little guy is doing better following his stroke, and I, too, hopes that he makes a full recovery. You can bet that I shall continue to send good vibes to the both of you...after such a hectic time in your life, you need all the good vibes you can get, and then some! As for Hayop Ka, if your tweets regarding the movie are anything to go by, we're in for a wild time with this one. It does seem like this movie was tailor made with your channel in mind, as if the people who made it know that you have covered so many movies that are (a) aimed at a more adult audience, (b) released in different parts of the world, (c) feature anthropomorphic characters, or (d) any combination of the previous three choices. Your Hayop Ka video is sure to get the month of November off to a good start, and whatever else you have planned for these final two months of 2020 will certainly be exciting. I get the feeling that the remaining videos for this year will be the highlight of my holiday season, and help get myself-and the rest of us-through the rest of this year as we head into a (hopefully) much-improved 2021. Hope you're doing all right, Saber...take care, and see you soon! =)


Have fun bub