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Hey folks, hope y'all are well. Gonna keep this short, life has been difficult as of late. My old dog, Lamby, had a stroke a few days ago and it threw my life into a tailspin. Fortunately, we've both stabilized though the poor boy still can't walk that well. I'm doing everything I can to heal him, it sounds like we have a shot but we aren't out of the woods yet. Gonna take things one step at a time 

So I missed last week's upload on Friday due to the life stuff but last week's video will be coming out this coming Wednesday instead. This coming Friday will be about a movie called "The Legend of Hallowiian" which, in my opinion, is one of the worst Halloween movies out there. Brace yourselves! 




Hey there, Saber! I'm going to start this time by saying that I feel sorry for you and Lamby, as things were certainly pretty rough for the two of you last week. Having read about Lamby's health crisis on Twitter, I could not help but fear that the little guy wouldn't make it, and that you would be beyond devastated if Lamby didn't pull through. I'm relived to know that, for the moment, he's hanging in there, and I hope he makes as much of a full recovery as possible. I am certain you'll continue to keep us posted on how Lamby is doing...know that he, and you, shall be in my prayers during this difficult time. On that note, I hope you are trying to bounce back from what I'm sure has been one of the most stressful events that has happened to you in quite some time. Just remember the following: firstly, if ever you need any moral support on account of what happened to Lamby, feel free to let me know. I've only been a fan of yours for about half a year now, but I feel that is more than enough time for me to offer you moral support in any way possible. Secondly, if you feel that you need to delay videos, take time off from your usual online activities, etc. while you're dealing with Lamby's condition, by all means, please do so. You should take care of yourself and your dog first...you've clearly been through a lot of stress, and I'm sure Lamby needs the best care you can give him, and then some. If you do end up taking a break, know that I'll still be here to support you on all of your social media accounts once things have settled down for you. That's a promise...and I tend to keep my promises! With all that said, it will be neat to see what I presume will be the last of the Halloween-related content you have in store for us this year. I'm sure that the Scary Godmother video will be worth the wait, while the Legend of Hallowiian video could end up being comedy gold if the movie is as bad as Caroline or the Dancing Pumpkin if not more so. Since I've been rather enjoying your Halloween videos (though it's a shame that your 100% Wolf video was unfairly blocked by NBCUniversal), I;m sure that these last two Halloween videos will end the spoopy season with a bang! I shall finish by saying-and you can bet that I sincerely mean it-please, Saber, take care of yourself and Lamby. Doing so is more important than ever after Lamby's health crisis. I do hope that Lamby will continue to recover as much as possible, and I hope that soon enough, your life will get fully back to normal after all that has happened. Remember, I'll be here if you need moral support, and I'll be totally fine if you feel that you need to take some time off for yourself after what happened to Lamby. In the meantime, I shall see you around! =)