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Sooooooooooo I need ONE more week to finish the VeggieTales video. The script is done, the audio is recorded, and now it needs to be edited. The audio is around 1 hour in length when cut down and that's a LOT of video to edit. My poor, new editor...this is the first project I've assigned to him lmao. He's VERY good though! Honestly, this will be the greatest video on my channel. I'm incredibly proud of it 

Outside of that, I have 2 videos planned for this week: a Quick Vid for Harley Quinn and then a review for Donkey King. Both are recorded and should be out soon! Quick Vid tomorrow, review on Friday. Donkey King was one of the craziest stories I've ever seen, super bizarre and it has to do with politics. Boo

That's it for now! Hope to have some better news next week. Hit me up if you need anything!





Hiya Saber! Let me start by saying that it will be fun to hear your thoughts on both Harley Quinn and Donkey King. You seemed to enjoy the former greatly from what we've heard about it on Twitter and Twitch, while the latter sounds to be another one of those movies that you had trouble sitting through. Both videos will surely be pretty neat, and a great way to wrap up the month of August...I'll be sure to check them both out as soon as I can! Now to address the elephant in the room: the Veggietales video. From the sounds of it, what you've been saying about it-that it will turn out to be your channel's magnum opus-is turning out to be true. With the audio cut down to an hour, and lots of footage that will surely be included when all is said and done, this video is gonna be HUGE, and as you've said time and time again, it will be worth the wait. On that note-and it feels like I've said this more times than I can count by now-but I am most certainly STILL fine with continuing to wait for the Veggietales video. Some other people might be getting tired of waiting by now, but not me! I understand that quality takes time, and it must be done just right...otherwise, you'll end up with a subpar video, and I'm sure you don't want to have worked on this video for so long only for it to turn out not to be up to your high quality standards. Ergo, I'm willing to wait until next week, or the week after, and so forth...heck, the video could be pushed back until next year and I would STILL be willing to wait patiently for it. At any rate, whether we have to wait another week or another month, the Veggietales video WILL be your magnum opus...I can feel it! Anyway, I hope you're doing OK, Saber, and I wish you and your new editor luck with getting the Veggietales video ready. Again, I'll continue to wait patiently for the Veggietales video to be ready to see the light of day. In the meantime, the Harley Quinn and Donkey King videos will tide me over until the Veggietales video makes its debut. I'll see you soon! =)