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Ey folks! Hope everyone is doing well! UPDATES! First off, WOW that Red Shoes video was a bit of a hit. Thank you all for watching it! It was super fun to make. Okay so for this week, I'm doing a tier list video about the BEST and WORST anthro animated movies out  there. Been wanting to do this for a while now. The last tier list video I made (back in January) did really well so I wanted to try it again but with a twist! 

That's going to be the last big video for June. July is going to be packed with big projects. I'm super pumped about the schedule and I hope me and the team can see it through! Gonna be talking about Strange Magic, Tripping the Rift and VeggieTales

And a reminder! There will be Discord chats later this week. Check out the previous Discord chat post for a reminder if that applies to you and your Patron tier

Thanks again for the support folks and hit me up if you have any questions! 





I've been looking forward to the anthro movie tier list since you first mentioned in on social media a little while ago, and it's cool to hear that it's coming our way later this week. Based on the GIF featured above, Robin Hood will be a part of the tier. I know that some people give it a bit of a bad rep, but I, for one, feel that it's better than some folks make it out to be (I stand by this belief having re-watched the movie on Disney+ earlier this year). I wonder what other anthro movies-as chosen by us loyal fans-will make the cut for the tier list? I'm sure we'll soon find out! As for the other projects, I have mentioned my excitement for Veggietales and Tripping the Rift before, but it's interesting to see that you plan on covering Strange Magic in the coming weeks. I found out about that movie by watching Animat's review of it that he made shortly after the film was released back in 2015. As I recall, he didn't like the movie one bit, and he would later call it one of the worst animated movies of the 2010s. It will be fascinating to hear about your thoughts on the movie and see whether or not you think the movie deserves the hate that it got five years ago. I'm also very pleased to see that the Red Shoes video has been performing extremely well. Over one million views in less than three days after it went live on your channel, plus it turned up on the YouTube trending section...that is truly AMAZING! On top of that, it seems like, as you hoped would happen, some people are indeed seeing the movie in a much better light than they did when the infamous marketing campaign took place. I daresay that you have redeemed Red Shoes quite beautifully, and have given it the second chance it deserves, and I'm sure that many people have been/will be inspired to watch the movie for themselves thanks to your video. For your efforts to make Red Shoes into a movie that's worth people's time, I salute you! Lastly, I'd sure like to attend the Discord chat if at all possible...I upgraded to the Panthy Tier for that very reason. I'll likely try to message you for a Discord invite soon to see if I can join in on the fun (disclaimer: since I'm new to the tier, and still kind of new to the Patreon, I shall apologize in advance if I mess up in trying to get an invite...if I do, I'll know better how to go about doing it for the next time). With all that said, I hope you're doing well, Saber, and until the next post, stay safe, take care, and see you soon! =)


Wow, Strange Magic! I really like this one and I don't get, why all this hate. I mean, I see some flaws but nothing shattering.