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Another week, another review! I was hoping to get my video out about the Kung Fu Panda ripoffs this week but I need more time on it. Instead, I'm gonna move my review for "Fritz the Cat" to this Friday. The script was completed last week but I wanted to spend more time on it. It's ready now! 

I won't be doing anything Halloween related this year since I want to get these 2 other videos out for October. I also want to focus on my uploads for November and December and get those ready too. The schedule is pretty ambitious but I'll be talking about stuff that I've been wanting to address for a while now. Looking forward to it! 

Hit me up if y'all have any questions! 




Thanks for the review! I'm wondering whether you will discuss other Bakshi films such as "Fire & Ice," "Street Fight (a.k.a. "Coonskin"), and "Wizards" in future videos. I actually saw these films when I was a kid (although I didn't see Fritz) and I remember that each one had some aspect that really got under my skin at the time (example: Nekron's ability to control his enemies' bodies in Fire & Ice). Thank you for these fascinating videos. It's a shame that culturally in the USA animated shows and films are still considered "kid's shows" by the older generation.