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Heya folks! Hope you all are having a good start to your week. As far as stuff on my end goes, it should be a busy one for me but in a good way! Lemme tell ya why...

First off, this week's video is going to be What "RUINED Rugrats?" which is a topic that hit me about 3 weeks ago. I was reading a book about Nickelodeon and there was a chapter about Rugrats and its success on the network. It also spoke about some of the drama that happened on the show with the staff.

After connecting the dots, I realized that this was a big reason why Rugrats had such a decline in the late 90s and early 2000s. So I decided to move this video up in the schedule to cover it. It's super fascinating and gives ya insight of what was going on during that decade with Nickelodeon and Rugrats 

The rest of the month should also be quite fun! I picked some topics that I've been wanting to cover for a while.

June 7th: What RUINED Rugrats?
June 14th: What the HELL is Cool World?
June 21st: Did Pixar KILL 2D Animation?
June 28th: What the HELL is The Queen's Corgi? (might change this but we'll see...)

So yeah! That is June. I might change the last review for the month but that remains to be seen. The other stuff will definitely happen. Also I plan on doing another Nintendo Switch giveaway for breaking 750k subscribers! That video will explain things but it's basically the same thing from last summer when I broke 500k subs.

Thanks again for the support folks and hit me up if you have any questions! 




As a 90s kid, Rugrats was my JAM growing up. I don’t really know any behind the scenes info on it so I’m really looking forward to hearing what you have to say.


Congrats on 750000 subs that's got to feel amazing