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Hey guys! I know that this post is early in the week. I also realize that I haven't made a weekly post in a while but I have been very busy. I have been house hunting and recently found a place to move to. I should be moving in July so I will be busy during that time too but I will make sure to stay active on here.

Next, I have been busy making new videos and they have been complicated as of late. I am trying to make them higher quality and that is taking more time. I am okay with that though. I feel that it is for the best. I am also going to stick with doing one video per 2 weeks for now until I move into my new place. 

Lastly, for videos, my next upload will be about the History of Pixar. This is an important topic to me and I am going to go all out on it. That is why I am delaying it by one week. I believe it will be worth it! 

Alright guys! I will send out messages about monthly rewards and chat sessions. Thanks again for the support! 



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