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This... plane was new to Sierra, but the little halfling had been shunted to some weirder places before, so she just quietly bounced along. And "bounced" was the keyword here because she was lighter than she's ever felt.  Sierra hesitated to drop the enchanted breathing bubble around her head, however. Everywhere she looked, there were no signs of life. Would there be air to breathe when she felt no breeze? After a bit of walking, she reached a bridge constructed almost entirely of light. She carefully stood on the edge of her floating rock, poking the bridge with her toe. Surprisingly solid. But as she peered down, something strange and sinister standing quietly amidst the eternal darkness glanced right back up to meet her gaze. She could hardly believe her eyes.

Hey folks, we're back with a full map pack! This is the Conqueror's Domain! Packed with debris from shattered planets and crushed moons, the Conqueror bides his time, amassing enough energy to traverse to his next destination amongst the cosmos. While he is here, he might have enough time to play with your party, or maybe he's just hungry. Are you adventurers here by some magical error? Or perhaps you felt the anguished cries for help echoing across time and space, foolishly thinking to lend your aid? Regardless, this should be fun! 

Happy space travels!

*All files are posted for your downloading at the maximum possible resolution and quality (we wouldn't want it any other way). If you use Roll20 or another virtual tabletop with upload limits, you can use imagecompressor (https://imagecompressor.com) to easily get them down to the size you need!


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Chris Skuller

Wow! This is really great! You should have done one without the guy on it so that way I can have him pop up midway through the fight!


... this is so true. We'll see if we can get to work on something like that for the future!