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The lithe scavenger meticulously picked through a pile of rusted armaments. He looked behind him again, at the hollow, lifeless eyes of the titan's skull. Creepy. He had to remind himself they were all dead, every single one of these forsaken beasts. After another few minutes of rummaging through shattered swords and twisted bucklers, the scavenger came upon a curious trinket. He held it gently between his fingers and raised it to the sky. Jackpot. The sizeable ruby should fetch a pretty penny back in town. Just as he caught the sun's rays streaming through the gem's many faces, a strong breeze almost threw off his tattered cloak. Slowly, the man turned, hairs standing on end. His eyes grew wide as he saw it, his scream trapped in his throat.

Hi again, for the first time in December, folks! We've got a treat for you... and it's oozing with a bit of an eerie, ominous feel that is sure to follow your party as they venture through this map. Welcome to the Valley of Death! It is definitely named for the propensity of travellers to meet their demise between these valley walls, but also for the trapped(?) titans locked terrifyingly amidst the crimson sands. Are you brave enough to face this challenge? 

Watch your step adventurers, this isn't the friendliest locale...

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