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The wanderer breathes in deeply. She can feel it now. A tremor, very slight, but exponentially increasing in intensity every time it strikes. She opens her eyes, scanning the horizon and quickly spots her quarry. The monster is much more massive than promised, or than she could have ever imagined, but sitting atop its burden rests something worth much more than the entirety of last year's jobs combined. It would be hers. She would just need to find a way to scale this beast. 

Good day, everyone! This is our latest map release - Atlas! It was inspired by the man (the myth) himself, a poor soul destined to bear the weight of the world for the rest of his days. Luckily, we took it a little easier on our own titan here, merely condemned by the gods to ferry around an ancient temple hiding a mysterious power. Hopefully, this map spurs some imaginative scenarios to take shape, and there are some beautiful variations to help that along as well:

Note: We are cutting down a bit on variation quantity, to focus a bit more on the quality of each map released! We'll make an update post soon to detail all the changes, but hopefully, this results in much more evocative maps moving forward.

Don't work Atlas too hard, now! 

*All files are posted for your downloading at the maximum possible resolution and quality (we wouldn't want it any other way). If you use Roll20 or another virtual tabletop with upload limits, you can use imagecompressor (https://imagecompressor.com) to easily get them down to the size you need!

$1 Fledgling Scout Rewards
$3 Gutsy Adventurer Rewards
$5 Determined Explorer Rewards
$10 Daring Pioneer Rewards
$20 Aspiring Worldbuilder Rewards 



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