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The warlock looks up at the hanging skull, observing as the lava flows slowly around the immense creature's resilient remains. It fought with an army against the divine beings ages ago and now lies alone here, in this sorry state. When he senses that his magic has completely seeped into the arcane circle nearby, the tiefling turns on his heel. If all goes well, he would soon have the answers he craved. The answers once thought lost forever when this legendary warrior was impaled against the surface of the fractured earth. 

We wanted to create a stage here that really showcased a very intimidating backdrop rich in lore. There's not a lot of room to manoeuvre so as to create a sense of urgency to wrap up any combat that occurs quickly. You would need to engage with not only the enemies in front of you but the hostile environment that you've stumbled into. Also, we just think having a volcanic map available is pretty damn cool! Here are this week's variations:

I love "Slime King"... but anyway, don't lose your balance! 

*All files are posted for your downloading at the maximum possible resolution and quality (we wouldn't want it any other way). If you use Roll20 or another virtual tabletop with upload limits, you can use imagecompressor (https://imagecompressor.com) to easily get them down to the size you need!

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