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Upon arriving home I did my best to attempt to ease my anxiety. I took a long hot shower while blaring loud music. I watched TV while I ate lunch. I even played video games and tried to catch up on old emails. Nothing was helping. My mind wouldn’t stop racing. Was I in major trouble now at work? Was I about to be fired? I couldn’t prevent my nerves from causing me to sweat and in turn had to take another shower…. Or two.

When the time arrived for me to head back to the shop and speak with Joe, I was a nervous wreck. I was tempted to call and say I got held up, but that would only prolong the inevitable. I would have to face him eventually. So I decided to suck it up and drive into town.

I pulled into the parking lot, and made my way inside. It was about 7 pm, and the sun was beginning to dip behind the mountains. All the lights in the shop were off, except for the few coming from Joe’s open door to this office. I lowered my head as I stepped into the doorway, finding Joe sitting at his desk typing away on his keyboard. His new uniform was already looking tight around the middle. I took a deep breath and knocked.

“Ah, Jake, thanks for coming in,” he said with a smile. “Please sit down. I have something important to discuss with you.”

“I gotta ask,” I said as I sat in the chair on the opposite side of his desk. I couldn’t take it any longer. I needed to know. “Am I in trouble?”

“Well, that depends on how you look at it,” he said as he locked his fingers and rested his hands on the desk. “I’m sure you know that I am aware of certain activities that you and Kent have been participating in together lately. Especially in the shop.”

I gave a heavy sigh. “Yeah, I am. I know we shouldn’t have. I know you didn’t want that going on in the shop, and we did it anyway. I knew it was a matter of time before we got caught. I’ll start looking for another job. You won’t have to worry about us doing that again. I’m so sorry.”

“Looking for another job? Nonsense.” Joe started chuckling. “Yes, I am upset that you two went behind my back and did it anyway. But I talked with Kent, and he gave me some enlightening information. Some information that I have been hoping for.”

He stood and walked around the desk to sit on it directly in front of me. I lowered my head, unable to look him in the face as he smiled down at me, suspecting what was about to happen.

“I just have one thing to ask you, Jake.” He paused a moment before he continued. “Will you feed me instead?”

Wait… What?

I looked up at him so fast I nearly got whiplash. “What did you say?”

“Kent told me how you have been eyeing me, and that you mentioned to him that you found me attractive. He also was kind enough to mention that you thought I would look great with a gut.” He gave his bulging middle a little pat and rub. “Why do you think I’ve been gaining so much weight recently? He’s been keeping me updated on your conversations together, and the little fantasies you told him about me. I’ll admit, I was shocked and embarrassed at first. But I’ve found you extremely attractive since we first met. And after the way I saw you eye Kent’s belly that first day, I’ve been wanting you to look at me that way. Why else do you think I’ve been eating so much at the diner and when we come back after lunch? The more I see you with Kent, feeding him, rubbing his belly, and all the recordings of you fucking him here. And yes, I know you know about the video and know you spied on me jerking off and eating while watching them. I was hoping you would say something about it. But you never did. So here I am telling you and asking you.

“Will you step back from feeding Kent,” He stood from the desk and leaned over me, using his left hand to brace himself against the stone wall above my head, and his right hand to rub his gut as he leaned into me, pressing his gut firmly against my chest. He was warm. Soft. And he smelled of bacon and sausage. “Will you feed me instead?”

My brain was melting. While my cock was rock hard and straining my pants. I didn’t know what to do. So many things I could do right now and each one could lead to a different outcome. But one thing was certain. This was something I had been wanting from the beginning, and now he knew it. Now there was only one thing left to do.

I reached up and ran my hand across the surface of his gut. He gave a growl of pleasure in return. I pushed him back just enough for me to stand, keeping our bodies still pressed together. I pushed him back against the desk. He had a wide grin on his face.

“Fuck yes I will. I want to make you my fat round hog.” I said with a hunger in my eyes that he obviously could see.

He reached a hand up and gripped the back of my head. “That’s what I wanted to hear, boy.” He pulled me in and gave me a deep passionate kiss.


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