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Pictures colored by Direwings 

The sun seemed scarcely to have moved at all. Amidst the tall grass, some orcs are already making love after they painted each other and drank the remaining hunt milk from their sacred horns. You wash yourself in the stream and walk away all grumpy, mumbling and sulking until you reach a lonely, small tree in the middle of the place. "Fucker..." you groan, still thinking on how easily he seduced you. "And he wanted me to hunt for him? Fuck no...", you look at a couple kissing under the tree, they seem happy. The older one just finished painting his muscular partner from the same tribe as you and he's kissing him in a tender way. "Come, let's go to the stream", suggests the younger one, holding the hand of his partner. You sigh and look at them walk away, then you take their place under the tree and sit down, mildly annoyed. "I only lost time with that big bastard, I could've found a partner already... crap".

You lay your back against the log and sigh loudly. "He was so good though... that fucking asshole". You put the horn next to you, noticing that the solidified milk that closed it like wax broke a little on the side and spilled a drop on your hand. You whiff its sweet fragrance again and let it invade your lungs as you breathe in. You suck it away from your finger before your skin absorbs it and you start daydreaming. You keep fapping while thinking about you and Goro, shooting a series of long, dense ropes of cum on the grass in front of you. 

You huff, loudly, before you hear the voice "Nice shot". "HUH?!", you turn around, scared. "No, really, you got me good and I'm, like, two meters away from you". He looks, shocked, while pointing at his foot, "Ugh... I didn't see you", "You weren't watching, it's fine". He smiles while whipping the drops from his foot and licking it from his fingers. "Not bad", he giggles. Dark, grizzled hair and beard, shaved head, and the furry body of a beast. He's incredibly muscular, you can see he's hung even when he's soft, and from the scent of his musk you can tell he didn't have sex before. "You're the only youngster left without a partner, you know?" You look around you, embarrassed. "Oh... am I?", "Yep! Usually you hornballs jump on the first hot guy you can see and... go with him", he smiles, while you look down, confessing. "If I was looking for someone to have sex with, I would've found a partner in a minute". "Oh... well...", he giggles, walking in front of you, "I'm here for a hunter, not a lover, but...". You look at him and wonder if he's really hitting on you, in which case... Is that him? Is he the one?

He crouches in front of you, studying your body as his hand grabs you here and there. "You look sturdy...", "You too... are you...", you blush "...examining me?". "If i wanted to touch you with the purpose of seducing you, I would've started from the cock, don't you think?". "Ehehe, yeah...", you scratch the back of  your head. "You're a very handsome cub", he looks at you in the eyes as he stops touching your muscles. "May I?", he asks. You just nod, shily, knowing that he could easily have you with a single word but trying to not look to horny as he moves closer and closer. He kisses your chest, pushing the warm and soft palm of his hand on your pectoral to feel your heartbeat and continuing after that. He kisses your abdomen with the tongue, then moves up on your throat and in the end kisses you on the lips, tusk-to-tusk. You close your eyes and enjoy his tender, sweet kiss. He's so strong yet so gentle in his touch, and he shows great respect as he slowly moves his hands on you. He puffs himself to make his chest look bigger and then smiles at you, staring at your lips. "You might be the one I was looking for...", "Y-you too, sir", you admit, happily. He gently pushes his soft, warm hand on your cheek and gives you another kiss.

You put your index and middle finger in the horn, dipping them both in the white hunt milk. The aphrodisiac drug runs on his hairy muscles as you keep painting him, slowly. White circles of potion appear on his back, then some lines run from his shoulders and go down to his lower back, parallel to each other. "Can you...?", you ask while he lifts his right arm to let you continue painting his side. The perfume drives you crazy and you keep wondering how he could stay with a semi and not jump on you on the spot. But you guess it's part of the ritual to show him your patience, despite your hard cock betraying you. You paint some lines on his muzzle, and when he opens his eyes again he smiles at you. "Can I... can I kiss you?". "Always", he answers before you gently suck on his tongue. From that kiss until the end, you kept panting with your tongue out, drooling, and your cock hard and twitching, all leaky while your wet hole throbbed, impatient and needy. "You have to paint that too", "I know, I know". You nod nervously before whitening his fat cock. The moment you touch it, he gets incredibly hard and starts breathing more heavily. He's so hairy and manly, and the wait is killing you.

He started from the feet, and after he finished them, he gave them a smooch and kept going with the legs after he kissed them as well. He's painting faster than you, which is good since your patience is at its limit. "You're from the river tribe", "Y-yeah... you're... you're from the cave tribe". He nods, humming, lifting your thigh and making you lay on your back. "Hah", "This is your first hunt... it shows". He comments while he paints your belly without looking, maintaining eye contact to make you blush uncontrollably. "Yes, they made me notice", you giggle while trying to look away, all nervous. "Hey... look at me", he whispers". Stay in the moment. Don't miss a second of it", "A-alright", you nod as he keeps painting your chest. He draws some lines on your face and paints your nose and your ears before he smiles at you, warmly. "Turn around, now", he whispers after your skin absorbed the milk. 

It's almost time...


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