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Collab with DireWings 

The hill inside the forest was a vast grassland, bright and airy, where tall whitewood spread dappled shadows across tinkling streams, birds sang from hidden nests, and the air was spicy with the scent of pale flowers. As winter passed with the bad season, the five orc tribes from the forest prepared the ritual for the beginning of the hunt. All the hunters gathered that day to take part in the traditional pollinating ritual, as they ironically called it. Shamans from all the tribes prepared a powerful aphrodisiac called the hunt milk, which they carefully cooked with roots, flowers and fruits to give a sample to every orc, poured in an empty horn. Once the hunters arrived at the open space up the hill with their horns full of magical drugs, the ritual demanded that they decorate their beards with the flowers they found at the place. Each hunter chose a partner who would remain with him for the entire hunting season. When two hunters met, they painted each other's body with the hunt milk, drawing circles that would fade away only at the end of the hunting season. As the fingers ran on their green skins while painting circles and sacred images, the aphrodisiac in the hunt milk did its magic, making them fall in love with each other.

As the morning sun rises, the flowered hill blooms like thousands of stars in a green sky. The river tribe woke up at dawn to get there in time, just like every other year. A moss-covered stone monolith looms at the end of the crossroad, as tall as an orc and longer than an orc longhouse. Druids from the five tribes brought the ingredients from their homelands just to prepare the hunt milk in time, and they stayed awake all night to do so. Orcs climb the giant rock and take the horn before they leave for the forests to reach the hill of the pollinating ritual. Many meet again after a few months, but some meet each other for the first time. Everyone is thrilled to meet his final partner, the one that'll remain with them for months and with whom they'll share all that time.

Tor, from the river tribe never took part of the ritual before. His pale, freckled green skin and carrot-orange hair are common among his people, but once they all ran to get a horn, he remained alone, looking around embarrassed. The ritual demands that every male orc over the age of 20 leaves his belongings home to gather there. Tor has never seen so many naked people before, it's a whole new experience for him. "Ah, gods...", he puffs while staring at the other guys, who all seem confident and calm, definitely more than him. Before he makes his first step to the monolith of the druids, a deep and raspy voice calls him from behind. "You look nervous, cub", making him turn around as he gets asked, "First hunt?"

A huge, old orc from the hills tribe approaches with a loud yawn, giving you enough time to answer properly. "Heh, is it that obvious?", "I would notice a handsome river tribe cub like you, believe me", he smirks. He's tall, very dark skin like the other orcs of the hill tribe and a grey bushy beard covering his chin. "Let me give you an advice...", he smiles while walking next to you. "...your partner will remain with you for months, you gotta choose carefully", he advised with a warm smile, still sounding incredibly paternalistic to you. You sigh, "I know...", "Look" He points ahead with his huge hand.  "Mature orcs have more experience...", he explains "...if they're big, it's because the eat a lot, meaning they hunted enough meat so they must be good at that, right?". "Right...", you nod at him. "But...", he interrupts, making you wonder what the advice is going be like since it sounds more practical than the others you heard so far. "...if their bellies are flaccid and not firm, that means they're big because they just drink a lot of ale". "Oh..." you nod while looking at the others, suddenly interested in what the old hunter has to say. "Also check out their legs and arms", he points at two other orcs. "The more muscular they are, the better. It means they trained all winter instead of being lethargic". "You're right..." you smile, surprised your fathers never told you about any of this. "Youngsters like you only want a big orc to make love with, I know... I've been young as well, but once you'll be out there you gotta rely on the right person, so choose your partner wisely". "Thank you... sir".

You nod as he pats your shoulder with his strong yet very soft hand. That touch was enough to make your body react, giving you no option than just cover yourself. "Hmf...", "Heh...", he grins while watching it. "I'm sorry, cub. I'm afraid i already chose my future partner". He apologizes while rubbing your shoulder again, but leaving you with a cold note despite the warmth of his hand. "The same mountain tribe orc since I was your age, we meet here every year and the gods know if i will let him escape ehehe". "C-clear, I understand". You blush as he moves in front of you, "Don't be sad, there's plenty for us all in here, you'll find your partner in no time". He encourages you with a big smooch on your freckled cheek, making you blush even more, now. "Ehehe, I...", "Ah, c'mere", he giggles, giving you a real kiss on your lips, tusk-to-tusk. It may be true what they say about the hill tribe... they really are good lovers. He taps you on your boner and just walks ahead all smiley. "Good luck" "Th..." you twitch, then look at him going away. "Thank you... sir", you exhale and pull it together. "Better get going..."

You walk around the monolith and climb it on the other side, surrounded by buff orcs who came from all the tribes. The druids stand next to some huge cauldrons from which the smell of the hunt milk already drives the hunters there crazy. Intoxicating you with its sweet-spiced fragrance. The line moves very quickly, with half the orcs covering their boners and the other half showing it proudly, gazing at you as if they already found a prey and biting their lips as they drool uncontrollably. No shortage of rubs, pinches and caresses as you slowly walk ahead, until an old druid gives you a horn full of the white drug poured from the cauldron. You look at it for a moment, whiffing the aroma until the old crabby one awakens you. "Move!", "Huh? Y-yes, sir".

With the mountains forming a wall to the east, the road veers north by northwest through the woods, a forest of oak and evergreen and black brier that seems older and brighter than any of you have ever seen. The abundant moss that covers the forest floor eases your walk as you go uphill,  with dozens of other orcs laughing and talking around you.

The meeting place is close, and you can already see some orcs walking through the trees to find their partner...



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