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You try and make him reason "Listen..." he steps back "Don't make it worse for you... the city has been conquered, the palace has fallen, we're all over the place... don't do this, it'd be a suici..." he just charges you with the knife, meeting the tip of your blade as soon as you dodge him. He falls on the ground and pants for a few seconds before he closes his eyes. "It's all over!", you shout, "He's gone". "Stelios!", you master comes in a hurry after hearing the commotion, worried. "I'm fine, master Eirenas", "That door...", he looks ahead after hearing voices on the other side. After you dress up, the champion kicks it down scaring the concubines inside, who start screaming and crying until you calm them. "Don't worry! It's all over! We're here to save you!". "Stelios... careful", says Eirenas while stepping forward, "They are unharmed... that eunuch wanted to kill them before we found them". "They..." one of them starts talking, scared, "...they said it was better for us to die than fall into the hands of galathian men...". "No, we're not here to do any harm... you have our word. And the word of king Mithrid of Galath", you promise, smiling. They all suddenly calm down and start whispering between each other, while your master looks at you. "We'll make them come out one by one, after we search them", "Yes, master Eirenas".

After it's over, very few roxans remain in the capital, so the four generals gather in the throne room to discuss what has to be done. One of your personal guards approaches in haste and bows, "King Mithrid, my lord...", "What is it?" you ask. "Princess Gemet, my king... we found her". You and the generals get escorted to the princess' room after they informed you she just took her own life. "Her slave tried to do the same when we arrived, the princess was already dead. She didn't speak, she doesn't want to". "Gods..." you sigh, looking at the scared girl crying on the bed in the adjacent room. "We lost more than we gained, indeed...". "There's... something else, my king." You turn around, trying to hide your disappointment, "What is it, now?". "It's the men, sir. They fought all day and now they need to let off some steam... they're still fighting the few barbarians that are left but...", he looks down "...soon they'll start raping and looting, the city is just there to be taken. If we don't stop them or do something...". "The heat of battle", you grunt, knowing how these things work.

The girls looks at you for a brief moment, before she notices you were staring at her as well. You think aloud, "We also need to please the gods...". "My king?", "We dedicated this whole campaign to the god of war, if we don't celebrate Iskyròs, he will be angered" you answer, then general Nikolaos comments "Two birds with one stone, king Mithrid...". "You're right, we shall celebrate with him. The men will be busy with each other... and the women safe, inside the palace" you nod. It doesn't take too long before the black idol is taken in the royal gardens and the four generals call the men to assemble. The bull and his apprentice escorted the girls with the other women, general Nikolaos hid the young satyr to a room, while the king invoked the clerics to prepare the ritual. There are some beautiful baths that soon get crowded by soldiers who just have fun and loot the golden vases left there. General Kallikrates takes off his armor and takes a bath in the pool, enjoying his men fighting for the loot or playing in the water or having sex.

When you get there, you find him busy with three soldiers, two intent on worshipping his cock, while the third one feeds him with grape bunches as he gets fingered. He sits in what appears to be king Ezra's throne of the baths, judging by all the gold and luxury around it. "General Kallikrates..." you walk in, and immediately everyone present stops having fun and bows, embarrassed "M-my king" he stutters. "At ease, general... I came to give you the good news". "My king?" he looks up, "The clerics told me that for such an important victory we need someone important to host god Iskyròs tonight. You fought well at my side, killing all these spearmen on your own, so... who better than you?" He needs a moment before he realizes the honor you gave him, so when he suddently comes to his senses he just bows again and tries to hide his excitement, "Y-yes! Yes, king Mythrid! I will be honored to do so". "Good... then come with me, the clerics are getting ready".

The black idol is set, a couple of roxan prisoners get sacrificed to wash the floor all around Iskyròs' monolith and the clerics light some censers on the sides of the prepared altar. General Kallikrates gets undressed and walks between his men, ready to welcome their bull god as they chant their prayers. "God Iskyròs, divine bull, thank you for granting us victory today. You gave us strength, we gave you victory, you gave us back the faith in you. We celebrate now, and invite you to join us to celebrate our success". Kallikrates spreads his arms in front of the idol and continues, "Tonight I offer myself as host. My body is a vase, it's yours. Do as you please, divine bull"

After that the sky gets dark and full of clouds that vertically swirl above the capital, until the lighting strikes the idol sucking all the storm after it and darkening the world. From the darkness, the god emerges and stands up, imposing, as the men salute him, "Welcome, god Iskyròs".


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