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You spend the next few hour translating everything you can. Apparently Wkaih means fruit and not food, that's "weex". Water is "fukoh", his name is "Zawwupe" apparently, cave is "Yugo", jungle is "Sanvpo", day is "Xuch", night is "Nivth", and so on... He keeps asking you questions, but despite the language barrier he seems always annoyed every time you look confused, calling you "Xaquz" which sounds like an insult of some kind... you're pretty sure that means dumb. He is very curious, he studies you and your features, but seems like he has no problem with privacy nor any knowledge of personal space. He touches you, looks at you real closely, he seems particularly curious about your body more than your language, you're an alien to him, after all. While you converse, he keeps giving you different fruits to taste, all delicious, all with strange names you hardly remember. "What's the tattoo?" you ask. He tilts his head again, if it wasn't a person, he'd look just as cute as any animal who does that. "Heh, the... tattoo, on your arm". He looks at it "Tekn ijpunx", he says with a snort, proudly raising his chin with a smile and punching his chest.

"I weavth hto yuknigekoj hkizo fiht quch moempo fton i yuquo toko uj u ytipx... fo fen unx heer hto zouyt". He continues narrating "Htij ij quo, unx htojo uko quch hon jenj". "Seems like... Tekn ijipu?", "Tekn ijpunx" he corrects you, nodding. "That looks like an island... with waves all around so... you came here and fought? These looks like people with bows and axes..." you point, then follow the tattoo down with your finger, touching his arm "...this must be you, or your clan... is this... you? Zawwupe?". "Hm? Choj, quo unx quch ytipxkon", "Ten little bull heads... oh, your... children? You have... ten children?". "Quch zuzioj, ytipxkon" he nods, smiling. "Well, you look well endowed enough, i can understand why" you giggle, but then immediately your ankles hurt again.

He notices a grimace of pain on your face, and all of the sudden he looks worried again, "I'm not completely healed, am i right? You need to smear that shit on me until i'm fine, i guess". He looks at you, then gently grabs your legs and asks "I funh he hkajh chea, yun i, Adam?". You look at him, maybe he asked if it still hurts, you just nod at him. "My ribs aren't broken, just bruised, same for my ankles, i would notice...". He takes the green moisture and start spreading it on you, "Chea peer wkionxpch, zah i jfouk, iw chea xe unchhtinv jhamix i'qu vennu wayrinv ripp chea!". "Whatever the doctor says...", you mumble as he keeps healing you. The pain immediately leaves, and you feel relaxed and calm again. "This shit is amazing..." you comment, then he lifts your arms up to spread it on your chest.

It doesn't take long before the massage starts looking a bit too sensual, and when he makes eye contact you can't help but snickering and sweating. "Whoah, Zawwupe... do i have to remind you that you have a wife and ten little calves at home?". "Chea peer piro u vekippu... u zupx vekippu. I upfuchj pirox vekippuj". "Really hope that doesn't mean anything romantic, fuck...", you giggle, "I think you smeared that enough on me, thanks?". He snorts and washes his hands on his chest, "Oh fuck..." You grumble while you notice he got a bit too excited by the massage, "...please don't rape me!" you joke. He sits down, takes some water and gives it to you "Thanks, Zawwupe". He smiles, shaking his head, "I'qu ZUKO, neh zawwupe". "What?", "Zuko! Zawwupe ij quch moempo", he says while pointing at his tattoo again. "Wait... Zuko... Oooh! Zuko is your name, Zawwupe are... buffalo? Minotaurs? Whatever..."., he nods, smiling. "Damnit, Zuko... alright, got it" "Jekkch wek hto yenwajien", "Sure..." You sigh.

He keeps watching you until you fall asleep. You'd really like to trust him, he's the only sentient person in this goddamn place and he also saved you from that roaring giant... whatever it was. You've been on that planet for god knows how many years, and you've been awake for almost two days. If there is something, or better, someone, that can help you, that's Zuko, even if he looks more cautious than you. He knew you couldn't leave the cave, the pain would return and slow you down, and he knew that now you need him for the green healing thing, so you have no other choice. You try to fall asleep as soon as it gets dark, despite his stoic and threatening stare. "I'm not going anywhere, Zuko... you know that...", you mutter while turning on the other side, facing your back to the fire.

You try to not be pessimistic, but it's hard in a situation like that. You face the truth once again and try to make peace and accept the situation since you can't control what happened to you. Your training pushes you to act in a different way, but you've never been a good soldier, anyway, so you decide to trust Zuko and try to sleep, despite the noisy birds and creatures of the night. You were too tired to stay awake, and seems like the healing moisture also helped you to relax and calm your nerves. When you wake up, you can only feel a mild discomfort around your ankles and ribs, not pain. You moan and yawn, turn around and notice Zuko staring at you in the same spot he was the night before, "Good morning, grumpy bull... jesus, did you even sleep?". You stretch your neck and arms, making you feel the pain a bit more. He suddenly reacts and turns back to take more healing moisture he prepared during the night. "Right..." you nod, but before he brings the bowl with it, he takes the knife. "Wait... what are you...?" he just points it down and nods, "Iw chea funhox quo xoux, chea feapx'go hkch upkouxch". "I... hope that means you want to untie me, right? Ok...", "Oujch, xen'h xe unchhtinv jhamix ek jaxxon... Adam", he says while cutting the ropes around your wrists. "Fuck... finally! Huff". He does the same with the ones around your ankles "These leaves are hella strong... damn... i tried to loosen them for hours but nothing..."

You're slowly making progress and gaining each other's trust... can you really trust him?


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