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You inhale "Ok...", and exhale heavily "Huff... it's not that high" ( it is ). You take a few steps back while your voice trembles, "How much is it? 30 feet? 35?". You wipe the sweat from your forehead while looking down, "Yes... yes, i can do it". You start counting from five to zero, "Five" You step back "Fo---" a horrible metal noise stops you. Your 300 pounds moving on the edge definitely changed the already delicate balance on which the wreckage balanced between those rocks. You gulp, afraid the whole thing will crumble on top of you if you keep moving... grateful you didn't climb outside. "Four...", you continue, "Three...", you step back again "Two...", your voice covered by the metal screeches, "One..." you look ahead. The moment you move your legs to sprint forward, another horrible metallic noise gives you the signal and you jump outside. 

The impact with the water really slaps your legs, but you know how to dive and manage to submerge just enough to touch the rocky bottom of the lake. When you emerge to catch your breath, you notice the cabin being dragged down with some rocks and quickly falling above you. "Oh no..." you whimper, immediately swimming away as fast as you can and avoiding the wreckage that crashes right behind you, making a small wave that helps you swim forward. You reach the shore, panting and exhausted  but glad to be alive, then you stand up and look around you. The ark crashed many years ago, your capsule was sealed inside the wreckage and survived by some miracle, while the river current dragged it for god knows how long. You're alone, naked, in the middle of an alien jungle. "Alright..." You puff while looking around you, "It's not over".

You've been trained to fight in south America, you know how to survive in the jungle, but you also know you have little chances of making it. Despite your realisation pushing you to give up and despair, you still go on. Part of your training was also being able to remain calm, and survive at all costs. The river water rushes pretty fast, it looks limpid and bright on the little waterfalls, and you can see many small shrimps close to the surface. Those are all good signs that the water may be drinkable, but you can't be absolutely certain of it. "I could boil it, yeah...", you wheeze while walking on the rocky shore. "Alright... alright, this is easy, what do i need?", you look around you, "A pointy rock and a large flat one, big fibrous leaves, so i can make an axe...". You look at the trees, hearing all kinds of birds and other aliens making lots of noise "...and also some goddamn shoes", you sigh. 

To make matters worse, all of a sudden you hear a loud, metallic roar coming from the jungle. Birds fly away, all the noise stop, and for a brief moment, everything is completely silent. You're not on top of the food chain here... that's for sure.



At least he got a free bath out his decision! ;)