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You can feel every part of your cock getting squeezed as it slides inside his hole. Once the head is all inside you take your time just to enjoy Eirenas's face as you slowly proceed forward until your big, heavy balls gets squeezed against his sweaty bottom. You lean forward and now it's all inside to the base, so you grind it in while you keep looking at your lover who is now moaning with his deep voice. The fact that you can make such a brute beast blush and gasps like that always been one of the things that made you happy about being a king, because that always gave you the chance to sleep with whoever you wanted and in your life you tasted every man and woman you needed. "Hey" you smile at him when you notice he didn't open his eyes for a good moment, he stares at you, catching his breath, then you kiss him.

After that good half an hour he gave you before, it won't take long before your thrusts make you reach the orgasm. You arch your back as you give the last, hard push, and then you feel him squeezing his hole while your seed invades him. It's a moment of pleasure, but you didn't want to have sex just for the sake of having an orgasm, in fact this little physical exercise did its work and makes you fall asleep next to your lover, as your breath slowly catches a normal rythm. After Eirenas comes out of your tent, he notices that, as usual, almost every other soldier used this practice to fall asleep since it's the night before a battle. The champion walks into the camp, and every soldier on patrol salutes him by his name "Eirenas" or just by his titles "Bull" "Champion" He nods, or just ignores them, and goes straight into his tent. In the meantime, king Mithrid sleeps soundly in his bed.

Stelios fell asleep in your tent, with the light of a lantern slowly fading away since he probably lighted it up before, while he was waiting for you. You can tell it by the fact that he's naked and his bottom shiny and oily. He's your apprentice since he was 12, when you found him in a farm burned by a group of crazy centaurs, and he always followed you since then. He's gifted with the spear and the bow, but even more in bed. You could rest with him, but the thought that he's going to fight in the upcoming battle makes you think that this could be the last night you spend with him. In any case, you take your clothes off and get closer...

You decide to...



Was that a trick question? And yes, I left a like ❤️

Hirsute Porcine

Exhausting your champion the night before a battle seems like a bad idea though 🤔