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Summer winds bring a pleasant smell of grass and salt from the western coast and move the treetops behind the camp. Soldiers are ready, the sun is setting, painting the sky blue and orange. The tents are set, the army is going to rest before tomorrow's battle, and you can see the enemy on the other side of the grassy valley doing the same. A troops of soldiers salute you while they move their horses to the nearby trees "My king", "King Mithrid", you just nod at them, then sigh and prepare to meet your generals.

After the meeting, the sun has set and only a few clouds in the sky remain painted red. You will fight against the northern barbarians tomorrow, but tonight you have nothing else to do. The men have been far away from home for almost 6 months already and just as naturally, they bonded to ease their spirits and satisfy their needs. This reminds you that it's been 5 days since the last time you had sex. When you reach the royal tent you finally take your armor off and take a bath. The flesh wound on your shoulder healed, but it's going to leave a scar, another one to your collection. 

A young servant comes in while you dry the water off of your body. "King Mithrid" he bows, asking "Is there something I can do for you?" You take a look at him before you answer, and your body reminds you that you still have some needs that need to be satisfied before you sleep...

Hence you decide to...



Kinda want to see how each guy looks like


Love this! <3


I’m pretty sure this is a no lose situation


"Have an orgy with everyone" is missing.