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Oh no, i did it again! This is daddy Zeus' story! Yes, i sexualized it, yes he had more lovers but i couldn't draw them all lol

He was the son of the titans Rhea and the evil Cronus, who he overthrew and imprisoned with the other titans after he saved his brothers and sisters. Appalled by the human decadence, he decided to wipe out their race and flood the world. The few remaining humans worshipped him and the other gods for the millennia to come. Zeus! The sky and thunder god who rules as king of the gods on Mount Olympus.

His father, the titan Cronus, ate all the children Rhea gave him. Zeus was saved by mother earth, Gaia, who raised him with the help of a goat named Amalthea. Zeus managed to stay hidden from his father by shape shifting into a satyr for many years.

When he grew up, Zeus seduced a titaness called Leto. By this union Leto mothered the god Apollo and the goddess Artemis. Dione was another gorgeous titaness he seduced. The divine satyr impregnated her as well, and she gave birth to the goddess Aphrodite.

Zeus liberated the giants of heaven, the cyclopes, who in gratitude, armed him with lighting-bolts with which he could fight the titans. When the time was right, Zeus seduced the titaness Metis, who was his father's concubine. She served Cronus a magical draught prepared by Zeus which caused the titan to disgorge the sons and daughters he had devoured. Cronos and his allies were eventually defeated and banished to a prison beneath the earth.

After the fall of the Titans, Zeus and his brothers drew lots to divide rule of the cosmos - Zeus won the heavens, Poseidon the sea and Hades the underworld. After that Zeus took the throne and became king on mount Olympus. When an oracle revealed that Metis' son was destined to replace Zeus, he devoured her. Their child, Athena, was subsequently born in his belly.

Zeus was the consort of Hera. By her, he sired many other gods and goddesses. Many myths render Hera as jealous of his amorous conquests and a consistent enemy of Zeus' mistresses and their children. Despite everything, Hera couldn't resist her husband's manliness and he easily won her back all the time.

Maia was one of the Pleiades, the daughters of the titan Atlas. Atlas was allied to Crono, so when Zeus defeated them, he forced him to carry the world on his back. When Zeus found the cave where Maia was hiding, he broke in and possessed her. She became pregnant with the god Hermes, that Zeus took away from her and brought to Mount Olympus.

Prometheus gave fire, stolen from the gods of Olympus, to man, elevating them from their status of beasts. Zeus, seeing the evil in them, punished this act by ordering the creation of a vessel full of troubles to plague mankind, which the woman Pandora opened. Prometheus himself was chained to a mountain with an eagle set to torment him. The early generations of men descended into wickedness and corruption, so Zeus decided to wipe them out with a great deluge. Just a couple of humans were spared and afterwards allowed to repopulate the world.

The earth-goddess Gaia, angered by the imprisonment of the Titans and the attempted extinction of human kind, urged the Giants to rise up against the gods of Olympus and reestablish the natural order of things. The giant king Typhon defeated all the gods on Olympus and then dominated and humiliated their king in a wrestling match where he showed the whole world  he couldn't rule anymore. The gods turned into animals to hide from him, and fled to Egypt.

Zeus was possessed and tortured for years, locked up in a cave. The god kept resisting until Typhon finally broke him and collected all his strength in a magical jar, making him his sex slave. Typhon also possessed multiple titanesses and goddesses who gave birth to many monsters. Typhon loved to show Zeus the magical jar, telling him he could take back his power if he wanted, but Zeus, broken, refused all the time and remained faithful to his master.

The god-satyr Pan, son of Hermes and nephew of Zeus, stole the magical jar and gave it back to him. Restored, Zeus defeated the giant in a rematch and treated him the way he was treated. He gathered all the other gods and told them how to defeat Typhon's allies. Zeus then raped and broke the giant. After months, when he got tired of him, Zeus castrated Typhon with a thunder-bolt and threw the emasculated giant into lava under a volcano.

Zeus brought back peace to Olympus, restored the order and made the humans worship him and the other gods again. He took Typhon's sons and forced them to serve the other gods. Despite humans remembering how he was broken by Typhon, the god managed to punish or kill whoever reminded him of that, and with time, that part of the story was forgotten. In the centuries ahead, Zeus managed to seduce an incalculable number of nymphs and mortals who, in their turn, gave him many children who became kings, heroes and the like.

Now he's officially your daddy god! I'll post the second part tomorrow ;)


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