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I just took the story of Amphitryon and focused only on the sex cause i ship him with every character 
(gay, cheating, straight, bara, cuckold)

Finally, king Creon was free to help Amphitryon avenge Alcmene's brothers. They set out to conquer the Teleboans but their king, Pterelaus, had a magical lock of golden hair that made him invincible. Creon and Amphitryon put together a consortium of thebans, phokieis and lokroi, attempting to seize the isle of Tafos. Pteralos' golden lock of hair was a divine gift from god Poseidon, and even if he was invincible with it, Amphitryon had to try. Between all his daughters, Pterelaus favoured the oldest, Kometho, who grew up spoiled and capricious.

Amphitryon took his eromenos Talos with him in this heroic venture. They trained during the day, in preparation for the upcoming battles, and made love during the night. While the small army crossed the sea to Tafos, Talos pleased both his erastès and his king every night, becoming the luckiest and most envied member of the army. On their journey, he praised his erastès noble qualities on every island they stopped to get supplies, attracting a small crowd of young boys and women of all ages to hear about this new hero Amphitryon. These stories travelled faster than their army, and reached the island of Tafos where Princess Kometho, who was still waiting for his father Pterelaus to find the right man for her, immediately fell in love with the manly and heroic Amphitryon.

Heleus, youngest son of the famous Perseus and also distant uncle of Amphitryonm joined king Creon's army with his group of warriors. Between them, the newest recruit was the beautiful hunter Cephalus. Avoiding Amphitryon wasn't easy, since he was the closest friend of king Creon who leaded the army, and when Heleus noticed that there was something between him and his newest recruit, he tried to comfort Cephalus and make him forget. The god Eros came once again to his favourite hunter, and hit both him and Heleus with his arrows, hoping that this time nothing would ruin their love. Heleus, similar to Amphitryon in appearance and in his temper, had no difficulty in seducing and then mating with the hunter.

As soon as the small army landed on the island, princess Kometho secretly sent a messenger to give a note for Amphitryon. While the men prepared the camp on the beach before the battle, Amphitryon read and then burned the letter, saying nothing to anyone. The women of Tafos were looking at the battle from the city walls, worried for their loved ones, while the king's daughter couldn't keep her eyes off the hero she heard about for so long. Amphitryon fought bravely next to his friend Creon and his eromenos Talos, but as soon as king Pterelaus started fighting on the front line, the invaders found themselves forced to ran back to the camp and call a withdrawal.

In the heat of the battle, whoever stayed back was raped by the enemies, who then murdered them or took them prisoner. Cephalus stayed to help whoever remained behind, while Amphitryon covered the retreat with his distant uncle Heleus, causing a bloodshed. The man was still in the mood of the battle when he saw the hunter, and after killing so many men, he had to give vent to his base desires and rape whoever he found. Amphitryon's cock was heavy and wet and felt hot to the touch. Cephalus didn't do much to stop him, both because he knew that if he tried Amphitryon would hurt him in that state, and also because he missed being taken by him, being loved and mounted by that muscular, manly man, even if Heleus and him just fell in love with each other. Amphitryon grabbed the helmet and mantle from a fallen enemy and wore them to not be interrupted by the soldiers who would pass through there. Cephalus whimpered as the hero began breeding him on all fours. It seemed to be the hunter's favourite position and it drove Amphitryon crazy when the young lover called his name.

The man was grunting and drooling all over his lover's neck. He was relentless, pounding Cephalus on the ground and slapping his heavy balls against him. Cephalus loved every second of it, while his cock rhythmically flapped up and down with every thrust. He came hands free all over his legs while begging the hero for more. Not too far from them, Heleus just finished slaughtering some enemies when he heard their voices. Amphitryon came inside of the hunter and stepped back, leaving the young man panting and leaking from his throbbing hole, from which a white rivulet descended over his balls, dripping on the grass. Heleus screamed, furiously, charged the man with the sword in hand, but Amphitryon dodged his cleave and grabbed a spear from the ground. They both were still in the heat of the battle, and they were ready to kill each other to obtain Cephalus heart and also the glory for defeating such valiant and renowned warrior. Amphitryon was already looking forward to the stories they would tell about this fight but the moment before they could start the fight, king Creon arrived with his men, and ordered the remaining troops on the hill to come back to the camp.

Angered by the denied triumph, Amphitryon had to take it out on someone. He found the first young soldier in the camp and dragged him into the closest tent to hump him as hard as he could. When Heleus asked Cephalus about his feelings, the hunter couldn't lie nor hide that he still loved Amphitryon. Heleus grabbed the back of his head and pressed his mouth onto Cephalus', sliding his tongue inside, kissing him until he became lightheaded. The man refused to penetrate him until he said he loved him, and since he was blocked under his heavy, muscular body, Cephalus couldn't ran back to Amphitryon who, without a fuss, would simply take him on the spot. The hunter's penis was leaking and throbbing so hard it started to hurt, and when the pain turned into pleasure, he admitted that he loved him more than Amphitryon. Heleus spat on his hand with which he grabbed his fat cock before thrusting it inside of the hunter. While he moaned and grunted in pleasure, Heleus made him promise that he would never go with another man in his life. The old hero kept breeding him as hard as he could until he eventually promised him. After Cephalus admitted what he felt and made his promises, they kissed and made love again.

Before the sun rose again, Amphitryon thought about the letter he received and left the camp to reach the place that was described in it. The beautiful, yearning daughter of king Pterelaus was waiting for him in the small lake while washing herself. The letter said she heard about him and wanted to have her first time with a real man of such fame and manliness, but it could easily be a trap, and so he waited from the distance. After a while, the girl eventually got tired of waiting and decided to go back to the city, therefore, Amphitryon followed her. The hero took his armour off, followed the princess to a secret tunnel hidden by the rocks, and then introduced himself. After they both realized it wasn't a trap and he came alone like she asked, Kometho confessed her love for him, and all the dreams she had about this moment. Before she got closer, she asked him the reason why they attacked Tafos and he explained that her family murdered his wife's family and raided their land. He also confessed that she wouldn't let him lay with her unless he avenged them.

In front of Kometho's beauty, the hero's psyche was in turmoil. He killed and battled to complete the task given to him by his wife only to finally make love with her, but the princess of Tafos intoxicated him with her beauty and her eager temper. The girl begged him to take her virginity and get married, and while she asked him to do that, she started making love to his big heavy balls. The man, who was thinking about his wife, said he couldn't do that. The princess then licked his veiny, leaking penis, but the warrior said she was the daughter of the man he swore to kill and so he couldn't. The princess started to suck his cock, and while he enjoyed the moment with his mind blurred and lulled by the pleasure, the words came out of his mouth on their own and he told her he would take her maidenhood as she wanted.

In exchange for her hand in marriage, Kometho would've accept to help him. Like that, Amphitryon would have ruled on the island of Tafos and obtained fame and wealth. When the girl made him promise to take her virginity the hero accepted as soon as he came in her throat. If he had to betray the person he loved the most, he wanted her to do the same with king Pterelaus. Amphitryon asked the princess to cut her father's golden hair while he was asleep, and the princess accepted, telling him that she would light a torch atop the royal palace if she managed to do that. Kometho ran into town to cut king Pterelaus hair and remove his invincibility, meanwhile Amphitryon went back to the camp and told the troops about the princess and the secret passage he found behind the walls.

While the battle on Tafos was about to begin, Amphitryon's wife Alcmene was still waiting for him in Thebes. Zeus ordered Helius to quench the solar fires, have the Hours unyoke his team, and spend the following day at home because the procreation of such great a champion as Zeus had in mind could not be accomplished in haste. Helius obeyed. Hermes next ordered the Moon to go slowly, and Sleep to make mankind so drowsy that no one would notice what was happening. Zeus would sleep with the beautiful Alcmene the next night...

Zeus is an absolute unit! See ya tomorrow with part 2, the end of (this unnecessarely sexualized version of) Amphitryon's story ;)


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