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Hello, friends. I hope you're well.

This month I've completed what I'm calling my core series of video production tutorials for my patrons at the Hax0r tier, consisting of several hours of edited material altogether across nine uploads in which I discuss my methods throughout each phase of my video production in detail.

I refer to it as a "core" series as I intend to supplement it as time goes on with additional tutorial videos based on viewer suggestions, ones that are more focused or tangential. Examples of this include tutorials on screenplay formatting and different kinds of music tracks, and I'm open to more suggestions.

I hope my highest-tier patrons find the tutorials valuable.

In addition, I have continued to release edited commentary videos on my legacy library weekly (Arby 'n' the Chief's seventh season is the current subject) for my patrons at both the Gosu and Hax0r tiers.

I have now fully resumed work on my regular projects intended for public release, development on all of which has progressed some this month when I've found time. I realize it's been a little while since my last public upload, but I have a number of things cooking, a couple of them large. I also realize I've said about as much before, but it remains true. Part of my development involves tweaking projects fundamentally to upload content with more regularity while keeping production achievable and creatively rewarding for myself.

Much like Arby 'n' the Chief "The Reboot", I have two highly-developed scripts for more self-contained Arby episodes of similar or longer length. The one intended to be uploaded next is called "Chief's Big Weiner". It's very long; pun intended, but I'm also serious about that. I halted the project initially upon realizing the planned use of a dildo might jeopardize the video or my channel's presence on YouTube on the grounds of graphic sexual depictions, despite how obviously farcical the video would be -- but then resumed development when I realized, thanks to a commenter on YouTube, that I could use a hot dog weiner with little worry, not to mention doing so might actually be funnier. The script for it is considerably long now as I kept thinking of more and increasingly stupid scenes to add to it. I'm still unsure how to release it; perhaps as one long video, or in two or three or more parts. I welcome any thoughts on that in the form of comments under the post.

The other Arby script is a parody of the anime film Akira.

I'm also working on bringing back Arby 'n' the Chief Bytes of a short length, as originally intended at the time of the creation of the sub-series years ago, with each episode being five to ten minutes, consisting of a single scene, and a focus on the toys playing a single game or reacting to a single movie.

Hard Justice is coming along slowly, but progress is being made. I, at last, feel my current outline of scenes for an entire season of episodes from start to finish, after at least twenty re-writes, is approaching finality, and I'm currently in the process of writing initial drafts of dialogue for every scene.

I'm re-working Professional Reviews for shorter, regular uploads as well, around five minutes each, with adjustments to the formula and my satirical Chip Gayman character in regard to personality, content, and delivery of lines. Episodes currently in development involve satirical "analyses" (which are complete nonsense) of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Resident Evil 4 remake, and 2019's Spider-Man. Games analyzed don't have to be new, but I'll need to have found some comedic angle from which they're analyzed.

I also intend for Mediabyss to continue featuring, in contrast, candid analyses from myself of movies, series, or games I find interesting, whether they're good or bad. Upcoming uploads of that project currently include the films Jack and Jill, Timecop, and Man on Fire.

I hope you'll look forward to these uploads, and thank you sincerely as always for your continuing viewership, encouragement, and generous support, I appreciate it tremendously.




Lots of cool stuff to look forward to, Job! Very excited to see what new guidance Chip Gayman has to bestow upon us lower beings.

Jake Fintzy

Im so happy to hear youre working on more self contained arby n the chief episodes! As much as i loved the long form seasons with high stakes and great storytelling i also feel like the shorter form bytes style goes back to your roots and allows the toys to really shine with their personalities youve built over the many long years ive enjoyed your show :) super excited for what you got planned