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Next Tuesday is the big 8/8, and we've been awfully quiet these last few weeks working on what we want to bring you. On that front, I have good news and bad news.

I'll start with the bad. The bulk of what we said would be released for Vore Day won't be happening. Maybe sometime in the near future, but working with the limitations given our multi-person operation has kept us from meeting our intended goals like we'd hoped.

HOWEVER, some surprising developments wound up taking place this last month, even in the last few days, that will surely satisfy you all when it drops. Plenty of unexpected treats (like the results of our shoot with Kole) and big announcements will be dropping this Tuesday, so I'll keep our cards close to our chest and maintain discretion to keep everything a surprise ; )

In other news, seeing as it's been somewhat of a tradition of ours, it comes as a soft regret that we won't be hosting the NOMMY Awards this year. Realistically, it's always been pretty cringe, but we've had a ton of fun hosting them the last two years and will remain open to the idea of reviving them in the future if it's feasible. Truth is, on top of all of the content, it's only me that arranges, organizes, makes the promo material, and markets the awards at all, and I just don't have it in me this year with IRL work picking up speed along with everything else.

That all said, you can look forward to some CHUNKY works coming out next week. Very excited to release everything, so keep an eye out for our new content and be ready for another all-day hangout in the Discord come Tuesday.




"working with the limitations given our multi-person operation has kept us from meeting our intended goals like we'd hoped" Sounds like my dnd campaign.


Did you guys stop using male internals for the female giantesses?


At the moment, no. For real life footage we haven’t found any alternative sources that can provide stable 24fps HD and up footage of the inside of the body. I should reiterate that for us, internal footage is a special effect, tho I get why our viewers sensitive to the information aren’t a fan. In future vids, we may experiment with combining 3D internal models, or even building a practical in-person set if we’re really ambitious. Until then tho, I’m happy with the effects available and still think they’re viable for an immersive experience with whoever their presented as belonging to