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Just a little bit to report on. Have a handful of projects I'm really excited about coming down the pipeline, but one of these has led me down the animation rabbit hole and got me to start messing with Spine2D. I've seen it used by some peers in the scene to great effect, and think it'll be more than worth the effort figuring out a new program to bring you guys some gushy results down the line!

The art we're getting a glimpse of here is one of the new additions to an existing project in development. There are a couple more internals besides this one, and I'm pumped to get these 4K beauties moving ~

On top of that, gonna be shooting a new live-action vid near the end of July/start of August. And by shoot, I mean me, Ty, physically being present to direct and run the production in the flesh. Been investing the donations you've all given us into some new cameras and lights to start running our own legit productions in person instead of outsourcing to the models we've worked with in the past. It's a new experience to be sure, but one that we're eager to get the most out of!

None of these developments would be possible without your support, and after such a huge surge in new patrons this last month, we're for the first time dealing with more budget than we know what to do with! Gotta thank you all from the bottom of our guts, and rest assured we'll be making your patronage worth your while <3

Really just wanted to ramble a bit about what's going on. I know I have a bad habit about telling without showing when it comes to these updates. Trust me though, the surprise/results when these things are done will be fantastic!

Also... vore day comin' up




You guys rock, love your work :)