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MEGA Link: https://bit.ly/3ip1naM

"Ben comes home from a long day to his loving girlfriend. The two talk about dinner, take a break on the couch, and get cozy while the rain falls outside. Only, something isn't right, and Ben finds out too late what he's unwittingly fallen prey to...."

For today's offering, we have something different. Taking a step into new territory, this script is something I've had on the backburner for close to a year, and have only had the chance to put it into production just recently. 

Big thanks for returning VA's, Iris Harmon (@aero_buddy) and Vanity Cain (@VanityCainVA) for their splendid, intimate work here. It hits me fierce when a personal project like this comes together so well, and most credit goes to their performances.

For those of you bummed this has neither size nor vore in it, don't worry. More than enough of that coming the rest of the week. If however, like me, you appreciate the unique scenario of a lovely creature slowly draining the soul from your being with her touch, licks, and kisses, then I hope you'll enjoy~




How do you guys feel about this one? Trying a few new things here, very curious to hear some feedback >.>


I mean im one for no voice behind the male charcter so i can picture myself as them but otherwise id watch or listen to it. ill wait for the muted stuff when they come :)


Top notch voice acting here, from both of them!


Thanks man! I think so too, really changed the game reaching out to these legit nsfw voice actors these last few months