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"Taylor wakes up from an uncertain daze, slowly discovering that she has somehow found herself shrunken down inside a huge bag of gummy bears, her roommate Kat in plain view outside playing some AC:NH. The girl decides she's dreaming, her unconscious mind indulging her in one of her deepest fantasies: being her cool roomie's snack. She embraces the experience wholeheartedly, relishing how realistic it all feels going from bag, to mouth, to stomach.... it's almost too real..."

720p - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIIeXYGbChy3rHnBd9Bx4XwXJqrhGdL9/view?usp=sharing

Thank you all for your patience! I know this should've been out a week ago, but we wanted to add in a few more elements to complete the vision we had for this short. This vid features our good friend, Princess Luxxx, casually enjoying a rare but delightfully prey-ish Miss Kole as our POV! We had a lot of fun putting this together, and hope the experiments made here pay off for our viewers!

In other news, we might take a short break going into September. We have a pile of scripts we're excited to put into production, and already in talks to collaborate with some other studios and #sizetwitter personalities you might be familiar with! However, working on all of these vids and a mound of custom commissions has left us a bit drained, along with some irl obligations needing some attention. We promise we'll hop right back in the saddle once we've had time to recharge, along with getting to the last of our commissions waiting on the docket. Hopefully, this video will be enough to tide you over for a week or two. 

Until we're back in the swing of things, hope you do well, and keep supporting the artists and creators in this tight little community we got here. Best of regards!




a nice addition with very clear internals