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Possible Platform/Subscription Change

  • Yes, I'd be willing to move to SubscribeStar eventually 86
  • No, stay on Patreon until the ship sinks 72
  • Yes, raising your prices seems fair if it means more stable/consistent releases 62
  • Keep prices the same 22
  • 2024-07-09
  • —2024-07-11
  • 242 votes
{'title': 'Possible Platform/Subscription Change', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes, I'd be willing to move to SubscribeStar eventually", 'votes': 86}, {'text': 'No, stay on Patreon until the ship sinks', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Yes, raising your prices seems fair if it means more stable/consistent releases', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Keep prices the same', 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 11, 21, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 9, 17, 29, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 242}


ASKING FOR ALL PATRONS TO READ/VOTE: Considering moving to Subscribestar AND raising prices slightly.

Recently, Patreon has been proving itself not to be as hospitable to various forms of size content, particularly live-action affairs. Some friends have been getting the boot very suddenly, and I'd like to get ahead of that potential drawback by finally setting up my long-dormant Subscribestar account. There's nothing there yet, but I'll be setting it up in case this page ever gets shut down unexpectedly. That's not even to say Patreon WILL kick us since we've remained within their guidelines, to my knowledge. This is more just a precaution that other creators have encouraged me to consider

But here's my question: would you be open to switching your subscription over to a new site? I understand the inconvenience of having to use a credit/debit payment instead of PayPal, but let's be real: PayPal is gonna give all NSFW creators the boot eventually. Plus, Subscribestar has really proven itself as a trustworthy ally to NSFW creators over the years they've operated, I've supported a number of creators there myself and had no trouble. That all said, I know this is a drastic move to ask everyone to jump ship with me, so I'd like to know what you all think of this idea before making a final decision.

ALSO, something I've been hesitant to bring up is the rising value of our highest tier. We've been happy to bring you all of our content at the consistent price of $5/$10 since we started in 2020, but the exponentially increasing value of our library along with the rising costs of production have been making it harder to maintain a feasible budget. With this in mind, would you guys be open to us raising our prices a small amount? I'd be thinking $8/$15 at most, but there's room for compromise to make sure everything feels fair to you all.

Anyway, PLEASE VOTE BELOW. I want everyone to share their thoughts on both of these major changes to our presence here.



I do think prices could go up and help or we find a way to get more patreons and market more. Which the “vore” or its second page on reddit i feel could help market stuff. If things go south with patreon then ya moveing to subscribstar next best option…hell id honestly think a onlyfans or fansly could work too. I saw a size studio production make a onlyfans and they kinda do the same thing you do. Paypal i dont fully understand what their deal is but if debit and credit cards it is then so be it. Just wish there is a site to be safe and popular on.

User ID

Like I'll be honest, I would probably pay an extra $5 a month if I had to. Content is definitely worth it because in terms of production quality and the quote unquote deeper implications visualized therein, your work, in my opinion at least, sets the quality bar within this uniquely strange subgenre of artistic interest. And I might add that unlike many other cookie cutter NSFW production groups that either have occasional dips into the subgenre, or even the ones who focus completely on the idea of being shanghaied into a gastric journey of the sort, Ty here has both a genuine interest in the subject matter with knowledge of the little details make the fans of said subgenre tick with euphoric attention and raised pulses, instead of just inducing a facepalm with cheesy shallow lines and a sense of disingenuous non-conviction that the majority of other creators of size content tend to produce.... With that all being said, and earnestly, however, I will add that while I WOULD certainly pay an extra $5 or $10 for Paramouth Pictures' Meal Tier content, whether or not I COULD feasibly do it is a question who's answer I'm a bit more dubious of... But not because it's a lot to ask, it's more because of my current financial situation. But hey, if you have to, Ty, then you have to... You won't lose me as a fan, that's for sure... But until the economy or my luck gets better, I may have to pause on my payments, at least temporarily, until my financial situation changes [edit: .... If an increase were to occur, I mean]