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Hope you like this one. Up next is potentially a new Weebl and Bob episode and then who knows. We are totally open to suggestions.

Thank you all for your support. We're going to really start trying to give more back to you guys as much as possible. 


Killer Whales - They're The Bad Boys

There is so much proof that Killer Whales really are the baddest of boys. Get the tune here: iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/album/killer-whales-single/id1228704205 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Mr_Weebl_Killer_Whales?id=Btsiio6qp3omzmytrt2cq4fki2u Spotifiy https://open.spotify.com/album/1gv9LyzQxjDAm2BaHhcE0b Bandcamp https://weebl.bandcamp.com/track/killer-whales ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MrWeebl is a channel of fun and silliness, with songs and cartoons and even cartoon songs. Wow. Some call it random.



Amazing XD


I like a bad boy me, great video!