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I was walking home and this just came to me.  If I'm completely honest I may actually prefer it to the original. Massive thank you once again to you guys as you've allowed us to pay Zekey to animate for us on this.

Talking of thank you's I'd love to do a roll call of all you guys in a video. Is that cool with you all? If you'd prefer not to be mentioned please let me know.

Nice one.

Oh. Have a free copy of the tune. POW!


Amazing Hearse

Halloween is coming AND SO ARE THE ZOMBIES! RUN! RUN AWAY! Animated by Zekey SpaceyLizard. Look at my hearse, my hearse is amazing Give it a lick Mmm. It tastes like there's brains in Now get out of my lane Or I'll deliver the pain I'll use this chainsaw again If you scratch my sweet paint job.



Is there any way to listen to your stuff on an endless loop like in ye olden dayes? I'd love to listen to this for a while without the subscribe message at the end.


There really should be. I believe that there's a loop function on YouTube but if it's a bit clunky then I could upload a longer loop for you.


I was more just wondering if you uploaded the SWFs anywhere like you used to, but I guess these aren't even SWFs anymore are they? Haha. Still, yeah, looping it on a repeat site is good enough :).


Nope. The swfs, if any exist are generally used as parts of the larger After Effects project these days. How times have changed (There's a lot less crashing and swearing).




This *is* better than the original. Thanks! I for one am cool with a roll call.


POW! I mean, I'm fine with the roll call.




bring back 8-Bit Pwny Club !