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Hello to you, you lovely, lovely supporter of our work.

Myself and several friends here in Bristol are going to be starting a sort of podcast/streaming show on Twitch and then YouTube wherein we attempt to make a 30 seconds or so animation together over 4 hours...

...Whilst drinking.

SO where do you come in? Since you have supported us directly (And boy do we need your help) we feel it's only fair you guys get to help us pick what the first animation will be about.

We're looking for:

  • Characters.
  • Situation.
  • Where it takes place.
  • A line we have to use.

We can then do some minor prep work so that we can hit the ground running and will show your suggestion on screen during the show and big you up.

The actual stream will take place on the 18th of March  and it's going to be fun. A wheel of fortune has been bought along with about 5 webcams and several nice mics. You'll want to watch as it will either be amazing or a gigantic car crash, you simply cannot lose.

Have at it.



Characters: A wet macaroni and a dry macaroni Situation: Lost in time Place: The beach Line: The seagull et your bottom half


Sounds like a fun idea, sadly I am drawing a mental blank on what to offer, sorry, but I hope it goes well!


This sounds like an amusing project.A Zika virus and and Ebola virus drift into a seedy Glasgow bar.