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Hi guys. I think it's fairly obvious by now that the planned tier reward system just doesn't work for our stuff. I'm sorry about that but there is never enough time between our completing an animation and it needing to go online.

I really appreciate your support and we're looking at options but realistically something needs to change. I work non-stop, usually till very late in the night to try and keep up with things. I would like to spend more of that time with my kids and not feeling exhausted every. single. day.

I'm sure we can make this work but your support is so important to our ability to continue making stuff. YouTube has crippled animation and sketch channels. Everyone I speak to is worried, even huge channels are nervous.

We have a plan.

idea 1:

A GoFundMe campaign. The idea behind this is that with backing upfront we can plan out a year in advance, hire the animators we need to bring back series like On The Moon and put more time into those animations too. Funding after the fact doesn't allow that to happen.

idea 2:

Scrap the rewards and start over with Patreon. A simple tip jar would help us massively. People like Boogie are doing it and it's working well for him.

I'd love you guy's thoughts on this.

Thank you.




I'm fine with just a tip jar approach


All I ask as a reward from patreon is access to the update feed, what you're suggesting sounds good.


I dont give that much, 3$ a month, but i dont need anything really in return except the stuff you do anyway :) which i love since the original badgers. either way works for me. id fund gofundme or a tipjar. just keep doing what youre doing!


I don't really donate enough for rewards (I'm unemployed) but even if I did I would not be that fussed about them so I personally think the tip jar system could work better. Though it runs into the problem that other viewers may not feel that way given how even some of the most followed on Youtube who offer great rewards barely get a percentage of their subscribers to give so much as a dollar. Perhaps a combo system could work? Start off with a Go Fund Me Campaign but continue the Patreon as a tip jar for added support.


I'd not even considered both as an option. Fair point.


I'm not here for the rewards, I'm here for the original purpose of Patreon - as a patron of the arts. I give you money, hopefully you create something I like. If you do, great. If you don't, too bad, I'll live, better luck next time. A combined approach with a GoFundMe sounds like a good idea, too.

David Ihnen

I support your content not the rewards, which I am fairly sure I never noticed beyond once responding to a post you made here. Making it a tip jar is my original intent as far as I am concerned. I have to admit I don't like go fund me because it has a rather down reputation by association with most of its campaogna, and that the money is so open ended. I know it is harder to fit into kickstarter's model but I think you would gain a bit of prestige if you could get that to work. A kickstarter for particular projects and patron for sustaining support could be a winning combination.


I'm not interested in rewards either


I've been watching and loving your content from Badgers Badgers Badgers, first on your website and later on YouTube. I'm here on Patreon like most people below to support artist and help them create content, and I care little for the so-called rewards (although they can work as incentives and create a set of goals/ambitions, which can be a good thing). I don't give that much, but my personal preference is to give a certain amount per month, period. If many people do that, and for some artists this works, it ensures a good source of income. With some budgetting, this could provide you each month with enough resources to continue making content. So Is this option available to you, is what I wonder, because I have seen it with other artists.


I don't care if their are rewards or not,I just want to fund these awesome and weird animations.


You guys are awesome.