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God. This is so frustrating. 

So under pressure from our MCN I've been trying to make some relevant content to current hot topics. Not really my bag at all but fuck me, we need to do something. I missed the mark on the Spidey thing it would seem which is bound to happen from time to time but now we've lost subs and supporters on here and I'm feeling more lost than ever. 

We always like to pay our animators and that budget has just been getting smaller and smaller as revenues decrease. The MCN said we could get some animators to make stuff with us for free but I cannot stand that idea and this pressure to just keep churning out content for YouTube to stay in the good graces of the Almighty Algorithm is the opposite of what you need to make good, creative content. 

There's been knock-back after knock-back lately. I'm not sure how much more I can take.  



I still love you.


Double down on nostalgia? Loved seeing Mr Stabby again. More HD classics would be great. I still laugh as hard now, as the first time I watched "Kid's will do anything for Hairy Lee", on a school computer when I was 15. I'm 30 now and would love to see more old faves pop up in my feed.


That's great and I appreciate it but I don't want to carry on like this. I want to make bigger and better things. I look at other channels that do the popularity content and a lot of it isn't even jokes. It's just pointing out that thing you like.


I wonder if you could schedule social posts of older stuff to go out in between the new? Like a throw back Thursday kinda thing? People also love feeling in touch with a creator as well as the content, ever done q&a vids? I know that's likely not your jam, these were just a couple of things that popped up in my head. Will support you all the way.


Done q&a a few times.


Didn't mean to post that then. I've done q&a a few times. It's not horrible but the questions tend to be a bit samey but that's fine. Appreciate the suggestions. Ideally we'd get enough support on here that we could stop playing youtube's games.


Sorry to hear that! Not sure what MCN is but I heard from other creators that YouTube's Evil Algorithm is a big downer :-( I wish more people were aware of Patreon.


Do a giant push on Twitch subs? Do some intimate Patreon streams? Play games with Patreons every so often? Advertise these things as perks? Have a few people maybe help out your social media accounts and spread the Good Word of Weebl? This is a dip man, I get that it's totally shitty, but you've got a very loyal fanbase who have been there for you for years at a time. If we can help, we will. Just tell us how and when. We love you. In the face. 5 times.


I formatted that into paragraphs. F u Patreon. F u.


I've never been good at promotional stuff. So any social help is gratefully received. I would love to do more with you guys. Help me to help you. What would the tiers be? What do you get? Or a job. I'd love a real job.


This is really frustrating to me too (though I can only imagine how it might feel for you Mr. Weebl). I was a YouTube engineer in the past, and was there for a long period of its growth. Watching independent (and amazing) animation find a home and grow with it, I was filled with hope for a future where amazing niches, outside of the lower common denominator main stream, had a chance to flourish and find their audience. But it seems that the development of the Algorithm is either deliberately or inadvertently optimizing for one thing - viewed minutes. Well, if all they care about is 'minutes viewed', then that's all they'll get. The longest, most addictive, cheapest-to-crank-out content will win the race to the bottom, and YouTube, in its decay, will then be ripe to be superseded by the next platform to offer the hope of quality over quantity.


Jonti, your stuff has been a lasting source of influence for our team, and our "parents" at Stabbed Panda Productions. We will all continue to watch and enjoy what you create, whether or not it's "relevant" or "current". I'm afraid we don't have anything any more helpful for you than our appreciation. Although, if you wanted to appear on our pod that would be very cool.


Sorry to hear things are getting harder. :-( Not being a YouTube creator myself, I can't offer any specific advice. What I can do is tell you why I've been a fan for so long and will continue to be one. It comes down to three things. First, it's the laughs. Absurd humour is the perfect antidote to life in a world that is truly ridiculous. I cracked up the first time I watched Pork, Waffles, Telephone Dog, and more recently Call of Duty WWII and Amazing Hearse. But the thing is, I *keep* cracking up every time I listen to the songs. Every track of yours that I bought is like a gift that keeps on giving. I also still play RDM on my iPhone, and managed to get my niece addicted to that game too. :-) Second, beyond the funny stuff, I am massively enjoying your other music projects. Lately I've had your Box Room remix on repeat (even better than the original IMO), and I listen to Neon all the time. While I enjoyed the videos for Broken and Hi-Lights, the album itself easily stands alone. After repeat listenings and careful attention to the lyrics, I discovered the creepy alien abduction theme that ties together the whole album. In a way it reminds me of Nine Inch Nails' Year Zero. Maybe I just like concept albums and synthwave, but to me Neon is truly awesome. Third (and this is more personal to me), I wanted to create fantastical and hilarious stuff when I was growing up. I enjoyed drawing, creative writing, and wanted to go into video game design. I liked music too but never had much talent for it. In the end I chose a different career path, which I don't regret. But it's been great to see the stuff you create and maybe get a sense of what might have been. Sort of a vicarious scratching of my creative itch, if that makes sense. :-) I hope this somehow helps. I think we all do our best work when we love what we do. As the Internet economy changes, maybe it's time to rediscover the intersection of what you love, what you excel at, and what can make you some money. I wish you the best of luck and will be rooting for you all the way.


I'd love to help with the Social, Mr W. It would help me on a personal level too, something different from just my 9-5. Next time you're online, throw me a Discord PM or something :)


I have always loved your stuff. I don't care if it is current. Just remember the older stuff you did and had fun at it. I'll support you to the moon and back wherever you go and whatever you do. I feel your pain on the YouTube thing. Until they get things figured out, they will continue to screw up things.


Certainly love your work and I'm sorry to see the rough spot. I want to tell you to hang in there but I don't know all the financial details that make things difficult. I'm happy help support on here &amp; other platforms, but is there anything else we can do for you? Work/help/suggestions? Would it work to find 'trending' topics that lend well towards comedic songs/animations? For example, there was a recent trending story about slime-eels exploding on a highway (hagfish). When attacked/startled, produce copious amounts of slime. In this case, they were in a truck that tipped over spilling 7500 pounds (3400 kg) of them covering the road and cars in slime. It feels like 'slime eels' could be turned into something song-wise... <a href="https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/14/15969674/slime-eels-hagfish-oregon-highway-truck-accident-slime-mucus-goo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/14/15969674/slime-eels-hagfish-oregon-highway-truck-accident-slime-mucus-goo</a>


Always open to suggestions for topics but we kind of need to be ahead of it to get things done in a relevant timeframe. So things like upcoming films and games or some big event.


Also we're very much up for work outside of the YouTube thing.


I saw something about a twitter event calendar for advertisers to plan their work. I haven't found out how to pull it up from twitter directly, but this article talks about it: <a href="http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/twitter-provides-major-events-calendar-help-brands-tap-key-conversations" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/twitter-provides-major-events-calendar-help-brands-tap-key-conversations</a>


Hi Jonti, I've always been a massive fan and I can't begin to explain the influence the animations have had (that I still sing almost daily) since I was 13 so that's like 15 years!! There is one small thing I can do to help that is, I have a fairly successful little Etsy shop with a couple of hundred sales and 100% 5 star reviews, I make vinyl decals and T-shirts but my creative drive is so poor in recent years, as I suffer from depression, I want to try licensing too. I'm supported by the Princes Trust and have a proper business set up and all, I mostly do bespoke jobs but need more retail channels. Would you be interested in a more generous licensing offer than usual, say up to 50% of net profit from each item sold? You can e-mail me at ben@bjum.uk I worked in video marketing as a key part of the video company's strategy and know a lot about this stuff but as you say it's not necessarily the creative content that gets you as far financially on the populist platforms like YouTube. You need to push private channels and exclusives more and perhaps recognise that there is a higher price people are willing to pay as long as they feel special and are giving back too. You have many loyal fans so you have plenty to build on. Maybe if you are rightly invested in paying your animators you can explore ways to run social more to be relevant without having to be invested in that yourself personally? There are always parts of business you don't necessarily want to do but there are ways and means. Especially automation with stuff like Buffer and HootSuite also there is nothing wrong with broadcasting retro/HD content like you are doing here while working on the new original content. YouTube is not necessarily the best platform for you. I did work in digital consultation but I no longer take care of clients for it as I wanted to make physical things moving forward. When I was 13 maybe being part of your crew was a dream for me and there is even a story behind it dreaming of replicating your success with my own websites I built in dreamweaver and notepad with stop motion animations and music tracks.. it was hosted in my mate's attic on a public port. I'm happy to share ideas over email if you are willing to reach out and as one of your old fans I certainly feel I understand your content more than most. I totally understand the immense frustration you must feel at the whim of the algorithm as you say (that I have studied) after going at it for so long. I think sometimes it is worth looking at your past successes and recognising where you are now and getting some outside advice on making that more profitable for you and not as dependent on monoliths like YT. Seeing your Kickstarter toys succeed was no small thing, and I was glad to be part of that. Anyway that is my show of support I can squeeze into this Patreon box that refuses to scroll with me as I type so half of it is blind, fucking thing. Btw I enjoyed the Spidey animation. Get in touch. Best of luck, Ben (or as I called myself "The Green Gecko" pretty much in response to Weebl's Stuff- maybe I can rehost the site to show you how I was inspired to do things similar and am only recently trying to claw that silliness and art back).


Just had another thought on the vinyl decals thing, they are pretty viable to make as rewards for things like Patreon in small runs (no minimums at all) so if you wanted to work with me to send those out and similar rewards - it is very easy to work from the original Flash vectors into SVG/AI etc and it perfectly suits your style of artwork that derives from that "Flash look" - let me know. Even my cat on the left is VERY Weebl's stuff!


As a long time fan it sucks to hear this. I'd be content if you pursued Weebl as a hobby


I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles, I really can't offer much beyond, if you want a different job and just to use this as a hobby then I certainly wouldn't have an issue.