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So our collectables Kickstarter launched a day or two ago and is going OK. Thought I'd best let you guys know too since maybe you might be interested? Who knows? It is a mystery.

So far all the images are of the prototype 3D printed models that have been hand painted so the finish isn't quite as good as the final things will be. I'll tell you this though. They're pretty big. 

They guys making them also sent a picture of their messy table along with the model shots which I'm assuming was a mistake but who am I to judge.  It's a nice table. Quite low. I will attach this very important image below.

I really with they'd used a banana for scale.


Savlonic, Badger, Narwhal and Amazing Horse Collectables

Weebl's Stuff is raising funds for Savlonic, Badger, Narwhal and Amazing Horse Collectables on Kickstarter! After years of public demand we're finally making Savlonic, Badger, Narwhal & Amazing Horse vinyl collectable toys for you to collect.



I don't understand why you can't post images in line on Patreon. It's very annoying.


These look great!


You can, but you have to enable it in Settings, because apparently vanilla Patreon was created without any of these things enabled by default: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/217874223-How-do-I-add-inline-images-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/217874223-How-do-I-add-inline-images-</a>


Wow, they're much bigger than I expected. Finding room for all six will be a challenge :-)


The Savlonic ones come across much smaller simply because they're less girthy (snarf). I've been wondering if Badger, Narwhal and Horse are maybe too big.


Completely agree.


Planned to only get the badger, but then decided I also want the horse, then it's just a small leap to getting all 3 animals. Ended up backing at the all 6 toys mega collection level.


If there was one of Insanity Prawn Boy, I'd get that in an instant. Maybe in a Wave 2 kind of thing. For now, I love the narwhal's silly smile and the badger's stubby arms.


what about quantity and availability later on? not enuf cash