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$5 Tier rewards sent! I hope you enjoy the latest content!

Coillector rewards are being sent over the next few days, but you can request new rewards already if you want.


For this month I'll aim to do both the dragon girl and mom characters, if possible (intros are hard). Lumina is still top choice for patrons, I'm really happy to see that.
I still got quite a few planned events based on this and previous polls. We'll see how many I can do this month!


Here are the weighted results of last month's poll (percentages measured against the highest voted option).

Main takeaways:

  • Patrons favor traditional over Live2d Animation. Good to know, but animation is costly, so for now it's something I'll try on the side.
  • Patrons heavily favor the creation of characters inspired by popular anime/games media. Will look into bringing some in!
    Feel free to drop some suggestions in the comments of this poll, I may pick some from there.
  • Interest in school or city locations is about the same, so I'll go with my gut for the time being.

If you have any further feedback about the game, art etc, feel free to drop in in the comments or Patreon/Discord DMs.


I planned Lily's event to be 8 pieces (4 Scenes total). I meant to finish 2 Scenes during August, but only managed 1.
(Slight spoiler here) The 3rd & 4th Scenes will include more than one girl.
The question: Since summer is ending, when would you like me to finish them? Do I try to do all 3 this month? Would it be cool if I finished during October? Should I push it for next summer?

» Patron Commissions «


Michael Bridge

For popular media characters? Games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy come to mind. Not sure which Dragon Quest game, but for Final Fantasy, 7 is the most popular. There's also Light Novels/Manga/Anime. So any Isekai can work. Konosuba definitely.


Ghost Woman!!!!!!


As far as characters based off waifus, I love me some Makima. Marin Kitagawa and Amity Blight are great too 👍


Ooh, first two sounds like a pretty good choices, haven't heard of the third though, what's she like?


Huh... Lydia doesn't seem very popular, she's the character I really wanna see again now to be honest.


No worries, although somewhat minor, I already have something prepared for her.