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Hey guys, just a very early heads up on upcoming content changes, here's the quick version:

I recently realized that the future of NSFW parody artists is much shakier than I thought, so it doesn't feel like a reliable long-term path anymore. Instead, I need to start working on something that will both diversify my skillset and that can add up to something greater than simple disconnected original illustrations.

Therefore, I've decided to begin developing an original NSFW game on this Patreon, starting on December, with the first paid creation coming on the 30th of December, at the earliest.

November will be the last month I'll make paid posts out of NSFW parody works.
I'll still honor agreed on commissions, and I'll draw them as they're paid, but I won't make paid posts out of them on this Patreon.

Patrons will still only be charged when NSFW content is made for a scene in the game, with rewards mainly being the latest version of the game, the new scene's art in top quality ($5 tier) and the ability to have a say on where I focus my efforts.

Patron input will still be very important to me, so I expect regular polls will come back eventually, once the base of the game is built.

I'll need to learn a lot of new skills and it won't be easy, but I don't mind putting in the time it takes to do so. If there's one thing I can promise, is that I will continue working as hard as I always have to bring you the greatest NSFW content I can muster. So, if you've enjoyed my work so far, I believe you will also enjoy what I'm going to build here.

And that's about it! I know it may seem sudden, but hopefully giving a ~2 month heads up will be enough for all patrons to learn about the changes before I start working on the new project.

For anyone who decides to leave at some point due to these changes, thank you so much for all your support up until now. If you're still curious, I plan on releasing a public demo at some point during 2023, so you can keep an eye out for it by following me on Twitter or here on Patreon.

I will now get back to work on November’s Updates, but if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them below or via Discord (Guide » https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-).

If you want to read further, here's a more in-depth Q&A.


What's the timeline from now until January?


  • Work will continue as usual. November's Updates will be the last NSFW parodies I make on Patreon.
  • November’s poll will run from Nov. 8th to Nov. 15th, with the winner (and maybe a runner-up) being featured in November’s later Updates.
  • Suggestions will be closed for the time being.


  • No NSFW parody Updates will be made.
  • I will change the front page and tiers early on in the month.
  • I will spend as much time as possible studying and developing the core systems of the game, and hopefully even the first scene and perhaps some initial girl designs. 
  • I may post some of my progress throughout the month if anything noteworthy happens.
  • In order to give uninterested patrons time to notice the changes and remove their pledges, I will only make a single paid post on the 30th of December at the earliest (assuming things moved quick enough that I managed to make a proper demo, featuring the first NSFW scene). 


  • If it wasn't ready in December, sometime in January I’ll hopefully have the demo ready to post with the game’s first NSFW scene.
  • From this moment on I will simply continue making new game versions with new scenes as often as is possible, steadily developing both my skills and the game with each new creation.


Why the change?

Simply put, long term security.

The rise of AI generated art puts artists (especially NSFW parody artists) at risk of becoming obsolete in the next 5-10 years at the latest. This, combined with how the "gray area" of parody works has always been somewhat unsafe, has convinced me that the most solid path forward for me is to start building an original NSFW game.

This path covers all bases. I continue making a living by creating the NSFW content my patrons have enjoyed so far, I build something fully original that can't be replicated, all while I diversify my skillset further, just in case.

I may take a major patronage hit at the start, or even long-term, but after giving it a lot of serious thought with those close to me, we reached the conclusion that this is the only way to attain long term stability and security.

It is not an easy decision to make, that’s for sure. It's perhaps one of the most stressful decisions I've ever made. Ultimately, when all is considered, I simply can’t see any other valid choice than to steel myself, push forward and make it work.

I hope you all can understand where I’m coming from.


What are the plans for the game?

This is my current plan, but it may change based on patron feedback.

I want it to be a simple relaxing 2D game set in a lewd city that you can boot up quickly and play with one hand. Easy to enjoy, no busting your balls to bust a nut.

It will focus heavily on having high amounts of easy-to-access NSFW scenes spread throughout the game’s world, featuring all kinds of girls (inc. fantasy characters) and sexy situations.

The plan is for scenes to consist of the usual illustrations with variations, but I want to try to make animations and see how feasible (and perhaps how much more welcomed) they are.

I expect character variety to be heavily directed by patrons’ input via polls.

I like the idea of having a few core female characters that players can pursue romantically, with multiple NSFW scenes each. Wooing them would be the most challenging and fulfilling part of the game, and probably one of the main ways to get an ending.

I’m open to trying to add different types of gameplay or systems down the line, but only if patron interest is there for it, I won’t be jumping into major things like that all willy-nilly.

Although I have a direction I think will work well, I'll pay attention to find out what resonates most with patrons, which should guide us to the best possible path.

I plan on making it available both for desktop and mobile platforms.


How will the tiers change?

Developing the game will increase workload quite a bit, so I’ll have to simplify the rewards. 

  • Rewards included in all tiers
    » Voting power equal to total patronage during the month (in USD, up to 30-100 per Month, accumulates over time and resets after major polls).
    » Name in credits at the end of a project (Real names shortened unless requested otherwise (Tom Smith » Tom S.)
    » Early access to Patreon feed (will mostly consist of spoiler PublicRes versions of game scenes (Much lower than GameRes).
  • Coillector tier
    » The Coillector tier will continue working as usual.
  • $5 tier
    » Latest version of the game (contains of at least 1 new NSFW Scene) » HighRes art of the latest version’s NSFW scenes (Higher than in-game, expected to be 4K) + possibly other art that may be of interest to patrons (e.g: a nice SFW piece of one of the girls).
  • $2.5 tier
    » Will be converted into a Mini Coillector tier for patrons on a tighter budget. As usual, patrons can exchange Coills for specific rewards, new or old.


Will you charge for simply developing the game?

No. I believe patrons’ top priority is to get NSFW content for their patronage, so patrons will only be charged when new NSFW content is made for the game, not just for time spent in game development. 


Now that you have to spend time developing the game, will I get less art per creation/pledge?

No. I will continue putting the same amount of time and effort into each creation’s artwork as always, while also integrating it into the game for no extra cost, getting you more content for your patronage.

As a consequence, I will probably make fewer creations per month than usual, especially early on.


What will polls decide? 

Mainly which characters/scenes to focus on or do. May also do polls for other types of questions, such as waging patron interest in different gameplay features or character designs.


Will patrons be able to make suggestions?

Eventually, once the base of the game is ready and if I can find what kind of suggestions would be useful to take in (Gameplay suggestions? Characters for a poll?). 


I have Coills saved up and I'm probably not interested in the new content, what can I do with my Coills?

First, I'd suggest removing your pledge before the 30th of December. Then it'd be worthwhile to go through the Update gallery and exchange your Coills for all the updates you're interested in.
If need be, I'll look for alternate uses for old Coills, but I hope at least some of the new content will be appealing enough for everybody to use up their leftover Coills.


What about CoillWorks?

My comic patreon will continue as usual, my main focus will still be on this Patreon.


Sounds like a lot of work, will you be able to finish it?

I am fully dedicated to my Patreon work, so as long as I’m alive and there are enough patrons willing to support my efforts, I’ll continue working on it until it’s complete, overcoming whatever hurdles appear down the line, slowly but surely.

Of course, there will be a lot of groundwork to do at the start, so I expect art production to be slowed down quite a bit for the first few months (planning to at least create one scene per month). Things should pick up steam over time and hopefully I’ll be able to create multiple scenes per month later in the year.



Damn, guess I'll have to make a collection of all of your work to enjoy when December come around. (I can't wait for the game too, good luck!)


Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, you will still finish precommissioned works once the coill requirement has been met? And we will not be able to accumulate coills in December correct? Either way, I'm in it with ya for the long haul. Can't wait for the fruits of your labor


This is really upsetting but I’m glad your taking steps to create original content! The most important thing is doing what you enjoy

Ginger Faux

Careful on estimating the amount of work it'll take to get out the initial demo. No idea if you already have some work done on it or a team helping you or how much experience you have with game creation, but a month isn't a very long time, especially if you wanna keep up with commissions and the second Patreon. I get the concerns for the future, but please remember be nice to your present self as well.


might the gods be with you


Thank you Ironheart, hope you will enjoy the first version once it's ready.


Yep, I'll finish the agreed-on commissions once they're paid for, following the Waiting List's schedule. I'm unsure if I'll have a paid post ready in December, so it's probable you won't be able to pledge for Coills during that month. And thank you for continuing to support my work!


Oh yeah, I'm aware chances are it'll take more than a month to get something presentable, especially considering the holiday season will take some time away. I have some minor programming knowledge, but I haven't had much trouble understanding the bits of code I've seen so far, it's all been very digestible. I can already imagine there will lots of unexpected stumbles, but the abundance of information out there gives me hope that I will be able to overcome them in a reasonable amount of time. I appreciate the concern! Don't worry I was already saturated with work, so I won't push myself any further, hopefully shifting most of the hours I put into my NeoCoill art onto this problem will get us a good amount of progress for the month.

Limitless Mind

It’s an incredible shame to lose your parody content, it’s some of the best there is. I’ll keep supporting though, your art style in a video game should a sight to see!


Genuinely sad to see your parody stuff leave when it is some of my favorites. I hope to still possibly see some in the future but either way wish you luck with your future endeavors


Shame to see your parody stuff go but I am excited to see your own original content. If you ever need programming/technical assistance, I'd be happy to pitch in. Good luck on your game!


I've been using Stable Diffusion and NovelAI image generation since launch, and I've been having a lot of fun with both of them. That being said, I still feel we're a _long_ way off from getting anything _near_ the level of quality I get from the artists I follow on Patreon. That's why I've continued to support people like NeoCoill, Dandon, etc. Even if we are "only" 5-10 years away... that's a long time without parody artists like this 😭 Obviously I'd love to be able to generate e.g. Neocoill-ish art, but again, my results have been nowhere near that good so far, and I haven't dealt with fine-tuning, training, etc. yet. Quality is one thing, mimicking a specific artist is completely different. I respect the artists' decisions, but it definitely sucks to see this happen. I guess I can only hope the others don't stop anytime soon. Good luck with your game art, NeoCoill 🙏


I understand your concern for stability, but Ai art is far far Farr from your talent. So please don’t be rushing away from what you do best! Cause your art really is 1 of 1 atm